Chapter 38
Bree stoodin the corridor outside of Rafe’s quarters, admiring several portraits hanging on the wall. They looked ancient, as far as she could tell, and held images of the same family over the years. Every male and female in the paintings had bright silver hair and big blue eyes. The color of the morning sky just after dawn. Two guards stood on either side of the door, watchingher.
After returning from her little trip with Rafe and Taveon, she’d been afforded some privileges she hadn’t had before. Namely, she could leave Rafe’s room. She couldn’t go far, and she had to be accompanied by at least one guard. But at least she could stretch her legs when she wanted to, instead of being forced to wait for Taveon’scompany.
Footsteps echoed on the stone floor, and she turned with a smile, expecting Rafe to be returning from his little pow wow with the Prince about their findings. They had barely spoken about the matter during the journey back to the castle, though they’d been clear in that she wasn’t to repeat what had happened to anyone. They weren’t even going to tell the council. Notyet.
But it wasn’t Rafe who approachedher.
It wasDagen.
And for the first time since she’d met him, he seemed...hesitant and a little unsure ofhimself.
“Bree? Do you have a moment?” He held his arms behind his back, a move that made him look stiff and formal when he usually looked anythingbut.
Bree glanced at the guards. “I’m fine with Dagen fornow.”
The guards gave a slight bow and strode further down the corridor, but they didn’t leave the two of them alone. They still stood at attention, their eyes focused on thepair.
“I see the guards are being a bit more attentive than they have been in the past,” Dagen said. “Good. You need theprotection.”
“Lord Dagen, why are you here? It has only been a few hours since the last time I saw you. Honestly, give me some time. I can’t come up with information out of myass.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “I am not here to demand you give me information, though I do know you went with the Prince to House Marlin. Are there no updates from that mission? Did you find nothing atall?”
Bree glanced down at the stone floor, nibbling on her bottom lip. This was the situation she’d been dreading. She knew Dagen would come eventually, though she hadn’t expected so soon. What would she tell him? After her little conversation with the Prince, she was feeling less certain of her role as a spy for Lord Dagen. It felt...wrong. It felt like a betrayal, even if she wasn’t loyal to Taveon atall.
But she was loyal to Rafe. And giving up information he’d explicitly asked her to keep to herself...she just didn’t feel right in sharingit.
Besides, the fate of House Marlin had nothing to do with the Prince’s plan to take the crown. Telling Dagen what they’d found would not lead to her freedom, and that was the only reason she was doing this whole spying business in the first place. So that she had another chance to get out ofUnderworld.
“I wasn’t really involved in all that,” she said quietly. “The Prince wanted me to go with them because he thinks I’m in danger here. But he didn’t let me go near House Marlin. I don’t know what happened. You’ll have to askhim.”
There. That seemed like a reasonable compromise. If Taveon wanted Dagen to know about the fate of House Marlin, then he would tell him and the rest of the council. Until then...Bree didn’t want to beinvolved.
Dagen raised an eyebrow and stepped closer. Bree couldn’t help but notice the scent of him: a masculine scent of pine, frost, and musk. It was a very, very nice smell. And one that made her forget for one single moment where she was. But then it all came flooding back. Dagen was not just Dagen. He wasLordDagen, a former supporter of King Midas, a cruel Dark Fae, and one who was using her to take down thePrince.
Bree didn’t want to be usedanymore.
“Is there something wrong?” he murmured quietly. “I would have thought you would do anything to discover what they found at House Marlin. You seemed so eager to earn your freedom before, but you no longer seem keen now. Has something changed,Bree?”
A lot of things had changed, but Bree did not know how or why, and she certainly didn’t want to explain all of it to Dagen. He wouldn’t understand anyway. Orcare.
“I’m just not sure how much longer I can be a spy for you,” she said. “I don’t think I can find out what you need, and I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to gettingcaught.”
Dagen pursed his lips. “So, you would like toquit.”
“No. Yes. I don’t know.” Bree sighed and dropped back her head to gaze up at the ceiling. “All I know is that I still want my freedom. I just don’t know if I’m willing to risk it all to getit.”
“Very well, Bree.” His hand whispered against her hip before falling heavily to his side. “If you change your mind, the offer stillstands.”