“Then can you hand me a dry towel please?” she asked, her voice coming out much more choked than she’dintended.
Taveon bustled about, still keeping his eyes very firmly fixed away. He found another towel in the bedroom’s wardrobe. As he pressed the material into her hands, their skin brushed. Bree’s entire body zeroed in on the contact, and her back snapped tight. Taveon finally risked a glance her way, swallowing hard as he met her eyes. Something strange passed between them then, something Bree couldn’t make sense of. Almost like...a connection, a spark, an understanding of who they bothwere.
But then Bree snatched the towel away, draping it around her body. That was ridiculous, she thought to herself. There was no connection with Prince Taveon, except for the one that was full of neverending hatred. She’d only felt that strangeness with him because of the situation. It wasn’t every day that you found yourself bathing in front of an attractivemale.
Not that he was attractive. At least not as a total package. Sure, he was easy enough on the eyes but that wasit.
He was an asshole. One Bree wished she never had to seeagain.
“Right.” He took a step back, clearing his throat as he did so. “I will need to converse with my fellow council members about this and speak to Lord Dagen personally. Do not get too comfortable in here, Bree. You may not call this room yours for muchlonger.”
She made a face at his back as he stormed out of the bathroom. And then he turned to glance over his shoulder just in time to catch it. Irritation flickered across his darkfeatures.
“Lord Dagen is not one to hand out gifts without expecting something in return. Careful,Bree.”