‘I wish I could, but I can’t,’ he said, raising his voice slightly. ‘You don’t know my father. Anyway,’ he said, clapping his hands together as if to indicate it was time to change the subject. ‘Let’s not talk about this. It will only depress me. Right. You said you like cake. I can personally recommend the caramelised pineapple and coconut cake for dessert. Or the cinnamon doughnuts.’

‘Both sound lovely,’ I said, respecting his decision to change the topic of conversation. In the end we opted for both and decided to share. On the subject of dessert of another kind, I was hoping that an end-of-night snog was still going to be on the cards, but I wasn’t sure.

We were getting on well. He was certainly handsome, smart and very caring. Although he was likely to be worth tens of millions, he was very down to earth. There wasn’t the same animal attraction I’d had with Lorenzo, but that was just pure lust, and that hadn’t really gotten me very far before had it?

But at the same time, after a long relationship, I wasn’t really looking for serious husband material. Right now, passion, great sex combined with relaxed companionship were at the top of my list. Could Charlie give me that?

The waiter gently placed the bill in between us, which Charlie swiped off the table faster than you could say ‘Sexy Fish’ and requested the card machine.

‘Oh no, Charlie! I thoughtIwas the one who was repayingyoufor not reporting me to the DVLA or police for my erratic driving. You must let me pay, or at the very least go Dutch,’ I suggested.

‘I won’t hear of it. I’ve had a delightful evening with you, Sophia. It’s the least I can do. It’s so refreshing to spend a few hours with someone fascinating and funny for a change. You really have no idea.’

I got it. Whilst many people might think:Poor you! Must be exhausting flying business class everywhere, getting the best seats at London’s top restaurants at the drop of a hat and being a multimillionaire to boot,I understood that often that champagne lifestyle isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. One of the reasons he probably wanted to go out for dinner with someone like me was so that he could feel more ‘normal’ and not be reminded of his massively privileged lifestyle.

‘Thank you, Charlie. I’ve had a lovely evening too,’ I said, smiling.

‘I’m so glad to hear that, Sophia. Does that suggest you’d be open to going out with me again?’ Sorry, is that too forward?’ he asked nervously.

‘Not at all. Of course, I’d love to,’ I said without hesitation.

‘Wonderful! I will certainly be inviting you out again. Now, I’m assuming you didn’t drive here as there was no debris or collision signs on the road outside when I arrived,’ he said, chuckling.Good. I like a man with a sense of humour.

‘Very funny!’ I replied. ‘No. My car is still with your mechanic guys, so I took a taxi here.’ Not that I would’ve driven even if it hadn’t been, of course.

‘Well, on behalf of London, we thank you for refraining from putting us in danger by getting behind the wheel.’ He let out a snorty laugh. ‘In that case, let me get a taxi for you.’ He went over to the doorman and asked him to flag down a black cab as he helped me with my jacket. What a gent.

The doorman gave him a nod to signal that a taxi was outside.

‘Back in a sec. It’s Clapham that you live, isn’t it?’ he asked. Good memory.

‘That’s right,’ I confirmed.

‘I won’t be a moment.’ He headed outside and I could see him lean through the window of the taxi to speak to the driver. He came back inside.

‘Your chariot awaits!’ he said enthusiastically.

‘Thank you, Charlie.’

He opened the door for me and led me outside to where the taxi was parked and we stood beside it.

Well, this is a bit awkward. What now? Might be too public for a full-on snog. I’ll let him lead.

‘Lovely to meet—I mean, see you again, Sophia.’ For a split second I could have sworn he was going to put his hand out for me to shake it, but then he remembered himself and went for a nervous quick peck on the cheek. I then went for the other cheek.

‘Oh, two!’ he said, sounding surprised. ‘Gosh, I never know these days whether it’s one kiss, or two or sometimes even three! Minefield! Right, then,’ he added, opening the taxi door. ‘Do send me a text once you’re home, Sophia, to let me know you’ve arrived safely and I’ll be in touch re: a drop-off time for the car on Monday, and of course, meeting up again. It’s been truly delightful.’

‘Thank you again, Charlie, for dinner and, yes, let’s speak soon,’ I said, managing to strain a smile. I climbed into the back seat and he closed the door behind me.

A handshake? (Well, he almost went to shake my hand).

A peck on the cheek?

Is that it?

I was hoping for a snog. This gentleman thing was all very well up to a point, but sometimes a girl just needed a good…

Behave yourself, Sophia.

Surely a man wanting to shake your hand or giving you a peck on the cheek couldn’t be a good sign? I was so frustrated!

Never mind him thinking the number of kisses to give someone on the cheek was a minefield. This whole dating and understanding men thing was starting to feel more complicated than bloody rocket science.