Chapter Thirty
When I’d first got home after the unfortunate encounter with Vincenzo, despite trying to stay positive and reassure myself that one man’s performance was not representative of an entire gender, I was still feeling disappointed.
It was his overconfidence that irritated me. Why boast about his extensive bedroom skills if he knew he had problems performing?
I’d initially written him off completely. Don’t get me wrong. If this was a serious relationship, then we’d work through it together as a couple. But we werenotin a relationship. This was supposed to be fun. A mutually satisfying arrangement.
Roxy’s response reinforced my thoughts:
Sorry he was a flop, darling. No sympathy for him after he made himself out to be the world’s greatest lover. Get back on the app and find someone else who can actually keep it up!
However, Fran was much more sympathetic and made me question whether I’d been too hard:
You know what? I wouldn’t write Vincenzo off totally, hon. These ‘flops’ happen. Even the most skilled lover can get nervous or excited. Especially if he’s thinking he’s with a beautiful, successful woman, has hyped himself up and realises he now needs to deliver. That can be a lot of pressure on a man. It may just be a one-off. In the absence of anyone else, if you enjoy his company, consider keeping the door open and meeting him again.
Hmm. She had a point. I’d enjoyed talking to him both on and offline, especially as it was a distraction from thinking about Lorenzo (well, most of the time) and keeping my mind off chiselled-jawline Charlie. I liked kissing Vincenzo too, and perhaps it was a little harsh to judge a person on one (well, technically two) poor performance(s). He’d been uncharacteristically quiet and avoided eye contact when I’d left the hotel. He’d probably been beating himself up about what had happened (or rather, hadn’t) ever since. I started thinking I should show a bit more compassion and give him another chance. So I did.
By now it was Thursday, and we’d been messaging every day. I’d broken the ice on Tuesday by asking if he got home okay on Sunday night after I’d left.
We were now planning to meet up this coming Saturday. I was up for giving it another go as there had been no improvement in the options available on either of the three dating sites.
Rather than go out for lunch, he’d suggested that he cook for me instead. At first I was apprehensive about going to his place, as I’d only known him for just shy of a week, and when I’d told my mum the other day that I had signed up to a few of the dating sites (it was during one of her increasingly frequentwhat’s happening on the man front?interrogations and I wanted to show her I was making progress), she’d started relaying a load of horror stories she’d heard of women who were killed after meeting up with guys they’d met online.
Great, I’d thought.Exactly what I need to hear.Not. But then I’d decided that I couldn’t live my life in fear, so I pushed that negativity out of my head and accepted Vincenzo’s invitation. Provided I kept my wits about me and gave Roxy and Harrison full details of where he lived, etc., I should be fine. Meeting in daytime also seemed a lot less sinister somehow, but I wouldn’t let my guard down. I’d still take my personal alarm with me, ensure my phone was charged and tune into my gut when I got there.
I had noticed, though, that lately when we’d been messaging, the conversations had taken a slightly different turn. One minute the messages would be super polite and ‘straight’, and then the next, his would turn saucy.
He’d just messaged with directions to his place and had sent me the itinerary/menu for the afternoon.
Hey, sexy…I’m going to cook for you, then I’ll take a hot shower and make love to you, then we’ll go for a walk. You’ll turn me on so much that we’ll make love again and again, then we’ll go out to dinner and I will take you back to my place. Wear those heels in that photo that I love…
Wow. Okay, then. I chuckled to myself when I read the bit about the ‘hot shower’. Clearly I’d given him a cleanliness complex. Good! Maybe I’d save another woman from enduring the same ordeal in the future.
But he was overselling himself again. After his performance last week, was hereallygoing to be able to get it up that many times? Hmm. His next message was much more ‘normal’:
So I will make you baked monkfish with potatoes. Sound good? I will also choose a good white wine.
See what I mean? His messages had gone from saucy to straight in seconds. I typed a reply:
Sounds delicious. Thank you.
Ilovedmonkfish. I was looking forward to it. Well, I was, until I received his next message…
P.S. I wanna lick your pussy for my dessert so pls make sure it’s completely shaved. Not with lots of hair like last time. Can’t wait to see you on Saturday!