Chapter Twenty-Nine
Icouldn’t sleep. Every time I thought about Vincenzo kissing and touching me, my whole body would tingle and I’d wriggle around the bed in frustration. I was so horny. And it wasreallyuncomfortable…
By 10 a.m., my frustration levels were off the scale. Self-control is all very admirable, but what was the point of making myself suffer, when this could very easily be resolved?
I searched for his number, which I’d added to my phone last night and fired off a WhatsApp message:
Good morning Vincenzo. Tomorrow’s your day off isn’t it? Fancy meeting up and continuing what we started?
No point in waiting for things to happen. I wanted him, he wanted me, so why not just go for it?
Seven minutes later my phone pinged.
Good morning, Sophia. I like your suggestion very much as I cannot wait to kiss you all over. Let’s meet for brunch in Victoria at 1 p.m. and then we can go get to know each other better…
Done. The advice to treat dating with the same tenacity I used for my work was definitely wise. It felt good to take control of my romantic life.
Roxy was right. Keeping your options open definitely seemed like the way to go. Since I’d been speaking to Vincenzo, I’d stopped obsessing about Charlie. We didn’t get to speak on the phone as he was busy preparing for his business trip to Australia and then when he was free, I had a meeting. But we’d exchanged several messages that Monday evening and also before he’d boarded the plane on Tuesday. Mainly to do with organising the repair of my car, but he’d also confirmed that we were on to meet when he got back, which was something nice to look forward to.
I admit, after I’d finished messaging Vincenzo, I did feel a tiny twinge of guilt about setting up a sex session with him, whilst knowing full well I would be going out with another guy in a fortnight. But then I came to my senses and reminded myself that I didn’t owe either party anything. Likewise, neither did they. I barely knew either of them, and we certainly hadn’t made any formal declaration of monogamy. And after knowing me for just shy of a week, I’m sure Charlie would be enjoying himself Down Under (possibly quite literally…) and would not be giving me a second thought. So my intention was to do exactly the same.
Today was the day.After spending what felt like the entire morning primping and preening, I was ready for action. Nails and toes were done, make-up was looking natural, hair had been waved, plus the lady garden had been trimmed and shaped.
When I think about it, it’s exhausting the regime that women go through. I often wonder why we do it. As much as I’d like to say it’s all for me, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit there is definitely a desire to ‘please’ a man. Of course, that statement opens up a whole can of worms in itself, but like Monique said, provided it’s on your terms, it’s okay. Despite it being a pain to do, Ididwant Vincenzo to desire me, so the rigmarole was worth the ‘reward’.
I slipped into a red lacy thong with matching bra, then pulled on a red figure-hugging dress which skimmed the tops of my knees, and clung perfectly around my boobs and arse. I remembered reading an article in theDaily Mailabout a study that revealed that wearing red increases a woman’s sex appeal, which was exactly what I wanted to do today.
‘Yes!’ I said to myself as I looked in the full-length mirror, spinning around to examine both sides as well as my pert behind. Fingers crossed, with this outfit, my confidence and my flirting dial turned up to maximum, Vincenzo wouldn’t be able to resist me.
Just as I was composing myself in the taxi to Victoria, my phone pinged. It was a message from Roxy.
So, is today the day you’re re-popping your cherry?
Ha-ha! Funny, but true, I hope.
I quickly replied:
It is indeed! On my way to meet him now. We’ll go for brunch in Victoria and find a hotel nearby…
Woo-hoo! You go, girl!
Any last tips for this MARGIN? It’s been a while…
Darling, just relax and enjoy! Losing yourMARGINITYisn’t as scary as losing yourvirginity, particularly as you kind of had a practice run with Lorenzo. You’ll be fine. Sex is just like riding a bike. You never forget. So just lie back and let your bodies steer you to Pleasureville!