Yes. I love food…
‘I know,’ I said as if a thousand-megawatt lightbulb had just been switched on in my head. ‘I’m going to book myself onto a cookery holiday. It’s my birthday in a couple of months, so that’s what I’ll do. I won’t go to a spa. I’ll go away somewhere beautiful and learn how to cook gorgeous food.’
‘That’s a brilliant idea, Soph,’ agreed Bella. ‘Where are you thinking? France?’
‘Italy!’ interjected Roxy. ‘Go to Italy. You can learn how to cook fresh pasta, and then you can come round to my place and make me a divine lobster tagliatelle like this!’
Italy. What a good idea.
That’s why I loved our FTA sessions. I definitely needed to make time for them in the future. I always came away feeling inspired and a million times better.
Sod all this self-pity and wallowing. As soon as I got home, I was going to research cookery holidays.
I’d go to Italy, have fun, and emerge stronger, happier and ready to embrace my single life and everything this new chapter might hold.
Bring it on.