‘Well, I cannot tell lies,’ he said as he unwittingly fluttered his eyelashes and blushed a little. ‘I find you very sexy. You have a nice smile and beautiful body. I love the photo of you in the black dress with the high heels. I want get to know you more.’
Good! Now we were starting to make some progress. That was the same dress Lorenzo had liked. Certainly was a worthwhile investment.
‘And you? What do you like about me?’ he asked.
‘Your eyes and your lips,’ I said, gently touching his hand, which was resting in the centre of the table. ‘Definitely your lips,’ I said, cocking my head to the side.
And that was it. Before I’d even had a chance to finish my sentence, he’d leant forward, taken my face in his hands and started kissing me. There were no half measures. He planted his lips on mine with with full force and enthusiasm. These Italian men kissed so passionately—Ilovedit!
Despite the slight aroma of the cigarette he’d smoked whilst I’d gone to the loo, I reciprocated, flicking my tongue against his. Whilst my hand rested on Vincenzo’s right cheek, his hands were excitedly exploring my body—brushing against my left breast, down to my bum, across my thighs and then…
‘Mmm, perhaps we should save that for another time,’ I said, gently pulling my lips away and steering his hand from continuing its determined journey up my dress.
‘Oh, I am sorry, Sophia. I could not help it. You are so beautiful,’ he said, his eyes drunk with lust.
‘That’s so funny,’ I said, letting out a little laugh, whilst conversely he began to frown.
‘Why do you say it isfunny?’ he asked, now frowning more intensely.
‘It’s just that I wasn’t sure whether you found me attractive,’ I said, smiling. ‘This evening you’ve been so—I don’t know,professional? Up until five minutes ago, I thought maybe after meeting me, you just wanted to be friends.’
‘Ah, I am sorry!’ he said as his face relaxed again. ‘Perhaps it is nerves. You are so successful and even more beautiful in real life, and so I was not sure if you liked me like that. But then when you go to the bathroom and you come back with fresh lipstick, I think ah, perhaps she is interested…’
‘Really?’ I said. ‘You saw the fact that I’d reapplied my lipstick as a sign that I liked you?’
‘Well, yes,’ he said casually. ‘If you do not like me and you are going home, then there is no need for lipstick.’
Hmmm. That was certainly an interesting observation. I avoided pointing out that I also might have put lipstick on mainly because it needed topping up and I wanted to keep my lips hydrated, but this time I decided to let it go. Right now I was more interested in enjoying my first proper snog since Lorenzo.
I was right about those lips. They were definitely delicious and perfect for long kisses. On the few times that we came up for air, I worried about the intense display of affection—particularly as anyone I knew could walk past the window—but then I thought,Fuck it, who cares? For once I’m going to let my hair down and enjoy myself.
We chatted, salsa-danced and kissed for hours. When the bar closed, we strolled along the South Bank hand in hand. This was lovely. Good call to stay out rather than rushing back home like I was Cinderella with a midnight curfew.
We sat down on a bench, and Vincenzo placed his hands gently on mine. ‘Sophia,’ he said, now using my real name, which I’d revealed earlier. ‘I want you.’ He stared deeply into my eyes. ‘Tonight. Come back to my place.’
I couldn’t deny I wanted him too. Not as much as I wanted Lorenzo, but that wasn’t meant to be, and after coming so close to having sex, then having the opportunity snatched away from me, I was definitely more than ready to lose my MARGINITY. But like this? Right now? Tonight?
I wasn’t worried about the ‘rules’ about how many dates you should go on before sleeping with a guy. After all, it was my body, so I could do what I liked with it, when I liked. It was just that my gut was telling me I needed to press pause and exercise some self-control. And after only knowing him for barely six hours, I certainly wasn’t going back to his place. He could be some crazy murderer.
‘Vincenzo, I want you too, but not tonight,’ I said before leaning in to kiss him again and then gently pulling away. ‘I should go home…’
‘Well, let me come with you. Sophia, there are so many things I would love to do to you…I know you will enjoy,’ he said, licking his lips.
‘Mmm, I’m sure I would, Vincenzo, but not tonight,’ I said, resting my hands on top of his.
He stared at me intently as if assessing whether there was a way to change my mind, but this time there wasn’t.
‘Okay, Sophia,’ he conceded. ‘I understand.’
I ordered an Uber, which arrived in minutes, and we had one last kiss in full view on the main road. Once again his hands began to wander, but this time, I decided not to stop them. So much for self-control…
‘Next time, mate,’ shouted a drunk, dishevelled-looking man as he passed us, ‘go to a hotel and fuck her!’
Charming. But probably true…
As I climbed into the back of the cab and waved goodbye, both my libido and I started hoping that ‘next time’ would be happening very, very soon.