Page 53 of Fragile Heart



It’s beenday after day of long hours on set. Our time here in Georgia is quickly coming to an end, and they’re trying to cram as many of my scenes in now before I have to go to LA for the weekend. No one was happy when I asked for three straight days off in the middle of filming a multi-million dollar movie, but eventually they agreed to accommodate my schedule as long as I promised to work double-time to get everything filmed so they could meet their deadline. I, of course, agreed. This potential opportunity with Omega Comics is huge, so I probably would’ve agreed to anything just to get the chance to meet with them.

By the time I get back from my trip, we’ll only have maybe a week and a half of filming before we’re done. I’ve been trying not to think about what it means when everything is over. I don’t think I can just leave this place and go back to how I was before this movie. Before Quinn.

I don’t want to leave her. The thought alone makes my muscles tighten. But I haven’t talked about anything with her yet. I’m just enjoying everything happening now, but I know we’ll have to talk about what happens next. Until then, we’ll continue to happily avoid that particular topic of conversation.

Our flight is scheduled to leave Friday morning, but I have late-night filming on Thursday. Quinn switched her shift with someone to get the weekend off and is now working the breakfast rounds on Thursday.

I make the short walk from Quinn’s apartment, where I’ve spent almost every night the past week, to the diner. I figure I’ll grab a quick breakfast before my driver picks me up for the studio.

The place is packed with people about to start their workday. The scent of maple syrup hangs in the air from all the pancakes being consumed. Instead of sitting at my normal table, I take a seat at the counter, one spot away from a guy that looks familiar. I think he’s one of Quinn’s friends that she’s introduced me to before, but I couldn’t be bothered to remember his name.

Quinn bounces up in front of me with a coffee pot. “Good morning.” She seems to have some extra pep in her step today.

“Morning.” I smile at her because, at this point, it’s almost impossible for me not to. She pours some coffee, sets the steaming cup down in front of me, and takes my order. She lets me tell her what I want even though I’m sure she knows what I’m going to order anyway. “You look cheery this morning.” I lower my voice so only she can hear me when I add, “Seems like you must’ve had a good night last night.”

She smirks at me. “It was alright. Nothing earth-shattering,” she teases.

“The fact that you came on my dick twice says otherwise.” Her cheeks go pink as she looks around to make sure no one heard me. I chuckle at her, loving that I make her squirm.

She clears her throat and grabs a plate from under the warming light, setting it down in front of the familiar-looking guy next to me. “Here you go, Jake. Enjoy.”

Jake. That’s it. He smiles up at her like a fucking love-sick puppy, and I have to take a deep breath so I don’t punch him in his stupid face for looking at my girl like that.

Quinn doesn’t even notice. She turns back to me and says, “I’m just excited to go to LA tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait to take you there,” I tell her honestly. I’ve been living in her world for so long now I almost don’t remember what my house looks like. But I know I want to show it to her. I want to bring her into my world, even if it’s just so I can have memories of her spread out on my bed.

Jakey-boy pipes up when he hears our conversation. “You’re going to LA with him, Quinn?”

“Yeah, she is,” I answer for her, a little more forceful than normal to make sure this guy gets the point. She gives me an annoyed look, but I don’t care.

“Are you guys like together?” I see the disappointment in his eyes, and I don’t feel the least bit bad about how happy it makes me. I look to Quinn, and she returns my stare.

“Oh, well, um. . .” she starts.

“She’s mine,” I growl, finishing her sentence for her and looking Jake dead in the eyes.Mine.Quinn and I haven’t talked about what we are or aren’t, but she’s mine. No questions about it. No other man will touch her while she allows me in her life. And if I have it my way, I always will be. “So you can stop looking at her like that. Better yet, just don’t look at her ever again.”

“Hudson!” She doesn’t sound happy. I don’t know where this is coming from. I’ve never really been the jealous type, but I can’t stop the rage bubbling up in my chest watching this asshole look at what’s mine.

Quinn points to the end of the counter, and I know I’m about to be scolded like a child. I don’t even care, though. In fact, her mad face is kind of turning me on, so I have no problem joining her.

She crosses her arms over her chest. “What was that about?”

“What?” I ask innocently.

“You know what. Don’t be rude to my friends, ok?”

“He wants in your panties.”

“So? That doesn’t mean I’m going to let him there.”

I sigh. She’s right, of course. “I know. I just want everyone to know that you’re mine.”

“Am I? I don’t remember discussing that.” She cocks an eyebrow at me.