Page 6 of Fragile Heart



This town is way too fuckingsmall, and it reminds me of one of those cheesy made-for-TV Christmas movies. Whoever had the brilliant idea to build a multi-million dollar studio in the middle of nowhere should be fired. Did they not think that the actors would have to live out here for weeks while filming their movies? There’s literally nothing to do here. The house my manager rented for me for eight weeks is smaller than my damn bedroom at home. But apparently, there weren’t many options, and it’s within walking distance of everything I need, which is a requirement for me at the moment.

After our early dinner at the diner, Vaughn and I head back to my tiny box of a house so we can run lines for our scene tomorrow. He assures me that his place is just as tiny, but I doubt that’s possible.

“Just be grateful we aren’t stuck in a hotel this time,” he tells me. I grunt in agreement. That would be way worse. “So, what’s your problem with Diner Girl?”

Confused, I turn to look at him. “What do you mean?”

“You looked at her like she stole your dog.”

“I don’t have a dog.” He shoves my shoulder as we walk down the sidewalk.

“You know what I mean.”

“I don’t have a problem with her. She’s just so. . . happy. And in your face.”

Vaughn laughs, and I guess it sounds a little ridiculous. I’ve barely been around the woman for five minutes, and I’m already casting judgment. “Well, you better be careful. She might start spitting in your food, and that place is the only decent restaurant around.”

I shake my head. “She wouldn’t do that. She seems like a goody-two-shoes.”

“The good ones usually have an evil side they’re really good at hiding.” I don’t respond to his comment, so he takes it upon himself to keep talking. “She was cute, though. She might be a fun way to pass the time while we’re here.”

“Nah, man. This town is too small for that shit. It’d get messy real quick. And I doubt she’s the kind of girl who just hooks up.”

“Don’t be too quick to judge. You don’t know her. But you know better than any of us that women will do anything to jump in bed with a celebrity, even if it’s just for a night.” If this was anyone but Vaughn, I’d be annoyed by this conversation. But Vaughn and I have been friends since we first started acting almost twenty years ago. Being the same age, we ended up auditioning for a lot of similar roles. After all the time spent sitting in waiting rooms together, we became friends. It was nice to have someone to talk to about everything. Someone going through the same things that I was.

These days, we still end up vying for the same roles, and sometimes, like now, we even get picked for the same movie.

“Good girls aren’t my thing,” I tell him. Sure, the girl is cute, but she’s way toocheery.No one is that happy working at a restaurant. No one. The people who work in the restaurants in L.A. barely say a word to me. When they walk up to my table, I tell them what I want, and they leave. That’s what I want. I’m there to eat, not make awkward small talk with someone I don’t know or even want to know.

“Yeah, I forgot you only go for the easy ones.” He laughs. “Just maybe don’t be a complete dick, ok? She didn’t do anything to you.” He throws me a knowing glance and thankfully changes the subject. “Are you doing all your own stunts?”

“Most of them. There was a handful they refused to let me do. Are you?”

“Yeah, it’s going to be sick. I think this movie will be killer.” This is the first action-adventure role I’ve gotten in years. I’ve done a few rom-coms recently, but I’ve had a hard time breaking out of the mold I was put in as Sebastian in theChampions of Olympiaseries.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful for that role. It made me a household name and put me on the map. But now, most people just see me as Sebastian and nothing else. I want something new. I want something exciting. And I think this movie might be it.

Taking a left off the main road, we end up right in front of my rental house. There’s a tree in the yard and a small flower bed outside the front door. It really fits with the small-town vibe this place has going for it.

I unlock the door, letting Vaughn inside. The interior is simple and boring with only basic furniture. The walls are white and bare except for a picture of a garden hanging over the black, faux-leather couch. I can’t imagine how an entire family could have lived in this house. I feel cramped in here, and it’s just me.

Vaughn takes a seat at the kitchen table, while I grab us water, and then we get started on our lines for the scene tomorrow. We’ve already done the table read with the entire cast, but we both want to make sure we give our best performance. Practice makes perfect and all that shit.

* * *

The next morning, I crack my eyes open as the sun filters through the blinds. I really should have asked my manager to grab me some blackout curtains. I’ll definitely need them when our shooting schedule starts running into the nighttime hours.

Grabbing my phone, I see that it’s just past seven in the morning. Great. I don’t have to be at the studio until ten today. I stare at my phone for a minute, thinking about what I can do to pass the time.

I could scroll through social media like most normal people my age, but honestly, I’d rather shove a toothpick under my fingernail. I have social media accounts because my management team said it would be good to have them, but I hardly ever post unless it’s something promotional. I only follow about ten people, and if something exciting happens in their lives, I know they’ll just text me.

Deciding to get up and make breakfast, I roll out of bed. Afterward, maybe I’ll watch a movie or read for a bit before going to set.

I drag my feet along the carpet, noticing that it could probably use a good steam clean. The change in temperature from the carpet to the linoleum in the kitchen makes me shiver. I open the fridge and realize I never went food shopping. I have a few water bottles and a box of leftovers I took from the catering table two days ago, but I’m not really in the mood for cold Thai noodles for breakfast.