Page 8 of Powerfully

Chapter Two


Miranda is speaking, but I’m enthralled with my bride. Athena’s dress falls seductively from her bosom, drapes over her hips, and almost touches the ground. She’s absolutely glowing. Her inner beauty shines so brightly, and I’m lost in her soulful green eyes.

Miranda reaches out and puts a hand on top of one of our joined ones. “Honored guests and family, Kris and Athena have prepared their own vows for you all to witness today.” Dragging my eyes away from Athena, I look at Miranda, who whispers, “You’re on. Take one.”

Although she’s whispering, Miranda is wearing a microphone, so everyone laughs at her little joke.

Looking back at Athena, a single tear runs down my face, and she immediately reaches up to wipe it away with her thumb. I swallow twice to get my emotions under control, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly.

“Athena, how lucky am I to call you mine? I’m madly in love with you and have been since I was a teenager, much to your brother’s chagrin.” TB slaps me on the shoulder and laughs. “You’ve always been my girl, and as we grow older together, I’ll count myself lucky to have caught you. My promise to you is I will always love, honor, and respect you. I’ll be your protector, lover, and confidant as we navigate this life together. Where you go, I’ll follow.”

Athena’s eyes well with tears, and she leans forward and kisses me.

“Ahh, we aren’t up to that part yet,” teases Miranda. Athena leans back, a pink blush rising over her neck to her face. “Your turn.” Miranda nods at her.

“Kris, one thing you and I have always been is friends, and I will always be that for you. I promise to put you before everyone else and always be there for you. My vow to you is to love you, cherish you, trust you, and forever call you mine.” Athena smiles. “Where you go, I’ll follow, always.”

Miranda clears her throat. “Kris, Athena, as you both embark on this journey together, will you keep these vows and promise to do everything within your power to make sure the person you love leads a fulfilling life? Will you remember you are both on your own journey, but the goal is to travel the road together in love and harmony?”

“I will,” we both say at the same time.

“Kris, repeat after me. I take you, Athena Boswell, to be my wife.”

In my pocket is the plain gold band Athena requested to be her wedding ring. It’s not ornate, but on the inside, I have engraved today’s date. Slipping it out of my pocket I take her hand in mine.

The ring is poised over her ring finger and I slide it on, as I say, “I take you, Athena Boswell, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, toloveand tocherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow to you.”

My heart swells knowing this amazing woman is mine from this day forward.

Glancing at Miranda, she smiles as I memorized the vows and kept talking without her guidance.

“Very good.” Miranda looks at Athena. “Athena, repeat after me.”

Athena holds up a finger and smiles at Miranda, then she steps closer to me, clasping both my hands.

“I take you, Kris Livingston, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love always and to cherish forever, until death parts us and even then,I’ll find you. This is my solemn vow to you.”

Todd steps forward and hands Athena my wedding band. She takes it from him and pushes it down my finger with a determined look on her pretty face.

“In the presence of family and friends, Kris and Athena, you have joined yourselves in marriage. I declare your marriage is valid and binding and rejoice as I pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Livingston. You may now kiss the bride!”

Our family and friends all stand and clap as I wrap my arms around Athena and kiss her. Her body molds to mine and her hands entangle in my hair. She has never looked so beautiful to me, and I’m sure it’s because she’s now mine.

Pulling back from her, she puts her hands on my face and whispers, “We did it.”

“We sure did.”


I’m sitting with Mr. Boswell watching Athena dance with Todd and feeling so incredibly happy to be here. Having a near-death experience makes you realize how precious life is and how important it is to have the right people in your life. Right now, surrounded by friends and family, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

A hand lands on my shoulder, and it’s Andy Westin and his wife, Dottie. “Hello, Kris, congratulations!”

Standing, Dottie embraces me, and then Andy shakes my hand.

“It was a lovely ceremony.” Dottie moves back into Andy’s side as he casually drapes an arm around her waist.