Page 30 of Powerfully

Chapter Ten


Rolling over, I reach out to find Athena’s side of the bed empty. Opening my eyes, I search the room, but she’s not there. The clock reads six—time for me to get up and get going. Today is a late start, but once we’re on location, Athena and I will move into a trailer the studio supplies, and it’ll be five o’clock starts. Maybe even earlier as the movie progresses and the makeup becomes more elaborate.

A quick shower wakes me up, and I dress in jeans and a T-shirt.The house is quiet as I make my way into the kitchen. The coffee is on, so I pour myself a cup and then go in search of some cereal.

As I’m pouring Cheerios into a bowl, Athena and Todd enter the house. He has his arm draped across her shoulders, and although I know he’s gay, I don’t like it.

“She’s married, Todd. Hands off.”

Both their heads swivel in my direction. Todd moves away from Athena as she bounds up to me, followed by Lulu.

Putting the cup and bowl down, I embrace my wife and kiss her. “Did you two take Lulu for a walk?”


Athena kisses me again, but her eyes don’t meet mine. Glancing at Todd, he also avoids my gaze.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, of course,” replies Athena a little too quickly.

Again, I look at Todd, and he shrugs, which means something has happened. Not wanting to push Athena if she doesn’t want to tell me, I kiss the top of her head, pick up my bowl, and begin eating my Cheerios.

“You should go shower and change. We need to be on the road.” Athena swipes my coffee mug and walks toward our bedroom. “Hey! Thief!”

“Yeah, but you love me.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Yes, hedoes,” states Todd.

Athena stumbles and looks at him. Neither says anything and then she looks at me.

“I’ll only be a minute.”

“Okay.” I give her my best smile, and she gives me a small one in return.

Todd walks over and sits at the kitchen island. He glances over his shoulder and waits until he hears our bedroom door shut before he speaks.

“You need to get her to talk to you or that doctor you both see.”

“What did she say?” I ask, concerned.

He shakes his head. “You need to hear it from her.”

Anger floods my system. “She told you, but she didn’t or won’t tell me? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that, Todd?”

With eyebrows raised, he looks startled. “You need to be there for her. I promised I’d keep my mouth shut, but I’ll be looking into a few things.”

“What the hell does—”

The intercom for the gate goes off with a loud bell.

Todd holds up a hand to me. “Wait here. I’ll see who it is.”

As he walks away, his hand drifts to where his gun would be on his belt. Todd looks down and frowns, then walks purposefully toward the intercom.