Page 58 of His Promise


“Are you sure we aren’t intruding? The election is in like a week.”

“For the hundredth time, I’m sure. Relax, Abi, I can take an afternoon off for Little Man’s birthday.”

Colter ruffles Zeke’s hair when Zeke beams up at him. Before we got here, I made sure Zeke knew to say thank you. So far he hasn’t disappointed.

My muscles are tense and the awkwardness I feel must be tangible. It was nerve wracking enough to text Colter asking about this, but I never imagined he’d say yes. I never imagined he’d want to see me again.

Colter chats with Zeke and Charlie, Zeke already in his bathing suit, as we make our way to the back of the house. With Zeke’s insistence, I’m wearing one as well. A green bikini tucked away under a sundress. I’ve been telling myself it’s the one I chose because it’s the first one I pulled from the drawer, but it isn’t true and I know it. It makes my ass look phenomenal.

“Ethan!” Zeke calls when we get to the pool. The bodyguard is standing there, back straight in a black suit with a black tie that makes him look like he’s auditioning forMen in Black.

By the look of him, you’d never think the guy had a playful side, but his lips pull into a smile and he waves. Zeke and Charlie both run up to him, and Zeke excitedly introduces his friend.

I like Charlie. He’s a sweet kid with shaggy red hair and freckles dotting his cheeks. He welcomed Zeke at Zeke’s first day at Hartwood elementary, and as a transfer student coming in mid-year, it meant the world to us both. His mom is great too, putting together creative sleepovers for the boys. Indoor camping, nerf gun fights, video games, scavenger hunts. Meanwhile, I can’t bring myself to invite the kid over to our shitty little apartment. I’ve been jealous of the fun Charlie’s mom could give the boys, and today, for once, I think I might’ve come out cooler.

My eyes survey the pool area, taking in the glass wall showing an impressive garden outside, and then the skylight above us. It’s a little strange to me, though. I expected a long rectangular pool. One you’d use to swim laps as a workout. This one is in the shape of an eight with a slide and a diving board. It’s meant for leisure, not exercise.


“What?” Colter asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing.”

Colter raises a brow and stares at me expectantly.

I shrug. “I wouldn’t have predicted you’d have this kind of pool.”

“What kind of pool?”

His eyebrows knit together like he’s confused, and it makes me want to drop it. Maybe the house was already like this. I know Colter, though, and as much as he loves not answering my questions, he won’t let this go.

“The kind a parent would have. I pegged you as the athletic swimmer type.”

Colter’s face relaxes and he looks at the pool as if realizing it for the first time. “I don’t swim for cardio. I like to run. As for the parent thing, when I bought this house, I hadn’t given up hope.”

I try not to look so shocked and keep my face neutral. “Ah,” I say because I have no idea what else to.

Colter slides behind me, his hand pressing against the small of my back as he does. “Excuse me,” he says before striding out of the pool area.

My face sinks into a frown. I really can’t stop fucking this up. Here he is, nice enough to let my kid celebrate his birthday in his pool, and I have to go and embarrass him. I shouldn’t have said anything.

But how was I supposed to know Colter wanted to be a dad? How the hell was he expecting to pull that off if he refuses to get close to anyone?

Zeke and Charlie take turns jumping off the diving board, and I slink to a lounge chair and watch them. I clap my hands and cheer when the boys look to me for encouragement, and I try not to pout too much. Colter isbusy. Why he left probably has nothing to do with me.

I snort at my own thought and run my hands over my face. Ten or so minutes go by with the boys doing cannonballs, and then Ethan gets up from the side of the pool. He removes his jacket, rolls up his sleeves, and starts instructing the boys on how to dive. He really is a nice guy. I get caught up watching them dive off the side, each time getting a little better. I don’t even notice Colter is back until a chair scrapes beside me and Colter plops down in it.

He’s changed into a pair of trunks and a T-shirt, his hair unruly instead of slicked back like he’s been running his hand through it.

“He’s a dad of three,” Colter nods toward Ethan and I follow his gaze. “A good one, too. His kids are adorable, two girls and a boy. They come over too sometimes. That’s why I chose him to pick Zeke up before… He’s a good guy.”

“I know,” I say, staring at Ethan another few moments before turning to Colter. It seems a lifetime ago that I didn’t trust Colter. It hasn’t been long since I told him not to even talk about Zeke, but now? I don’t know. I’m not sure we could be any more vulnerable to him, but I trust him.

“Do you have a suit?” Colter asks, his eyes running over my dress. He pauses on my cleavage and then the strings poking from my dress before meeting my eyes again.

“I do.”