Page 46 of His Promise

It surprises me that Zeke’s name falls from her lips without hesitation. That’s a huge shift from where we were just the other day.

“Yeah, we’re good,” I say, although I have no idea. “You were convincing tonight. My aunt really likes you.”

She gives a small smile. “She likes you too. Is she…”

“Is she what?”

She thinks for a moment then shakes her head. “Never mind.”

“Abi, is she what?”

She pauses to think. “Is she a criminal?”

My lips pull into a smile, and I hold back a laugh. “No, she isn’t. Just married to one.”

She nods in understanding, even though I assume she’s more confused than before tonight. The family dynamics of the Grucos is complicated to say the least.

“I don’t know what your falling out was, but don’t be so hard on her. She misses you.”

Abi turns and makes it to the doorway this time.

“Wait,” I say as she puts her hand on the knob.

She looks back over her shoulder and raises a questioning brow. My brain searches for something to say, but comes up blank. I don’t know why I said that. Being able to speak to people is the biggest requirement of my job, and when I’m around Abi I seem to forget how.

She’s still staring at me, and I run a hand through my hair and let out a frustrated breath. “Have a drink with me.”

She tilts her head like she’s trying to figure me out.

“There’s a bar a couple blocks from here that I go to sometimes. It’s small. Quaint. Nothing anyone in politics would frequent.”


I shrug like my offer means nothing to me, but it does. I can’t explain it, but I don’t want her to go home yet. It feels wrong, and I think maybe it’s because deep down I know she isn’t going home to go to sleep. She’s going home to cry.

“Because we both could use one.”

She stares at me until it’s uncomfortable and I’m wishing I hadn’t said anything.

“Can I borrow your coat?”