Page 30 of His Promise


Idrum my fingers on the tabletop and restrain myself from glancing at the clock. If I see the time, it’ll only piss me off more. The last time I looked it was midnight.

The blonde waitress with perky tits hovers near the booth. I can’t tell if she’s doing it to flirt or if she wants me to get the fuck out to free up the table. I don’t bother trying to figure it out.

She walks to the booth, and I glance up to see her smile. “Would you like a refill?” She gestures toward the half empty cup of coffee in front of me. It went cold a while ago.

I shake my head. “No, thank you.”

She rests her hand on my shoulder and leans toward me an inch. “Let me know if you need anything.”

I nod and make a point not to smile back. She lifts her hand from my shoulder and walks off. I begin drumming my fingers on the tabletop once more.

I stop when I spot Abi’s red hair through the windows as she hurries down the sidewalk. She throws open the door to the diner and looks around. She spots me, and I try not to glare.

I’m being followed. I’m not stupid enough to suspect otherwise. I should be looking like I’m happy to see her, not like I wish I’d left her for dead.

I decide to act the part and stand to greet her. She pauses when she sees me, but I close the distance and embrace her gently. I brush a kiss against the shell of her ear and hear her slight intake of breath in surprise. I feel that gasp all the way to my dick. But now is not the time.

She blinks and pulls back, her confusion clearly on display. Apparently, she isn’t as committed to this act.

I grit my teeth and turn, headed back to the booth with her following. I slide into it and she sits on the other side. I extend my hands on the table and let a breath out in an attempt to relax. My lips curve into a tight smile.

“Sorry I’m late,” she says, tossing her hair over her shoulder and letting out a huff. “You would notbelievehow hard it is to find a reliable sitter in this city. Especially this late.”

She says it as if making a point to remind me what a hassle this is for her. As ifI’mnot busy. Or maybe she’s still pissed about the old lady next to her refusing to watch the kid anymore. Either way, I couldn’t care less.

“I can imagine.”

“Somehow, I don’t think you can.”

I clench my jaw and pull my hands from the table, giving up on the idea of holding this woman’s hands so we look more legitimate. I ask myself for the hundredth time if I made the right choice lying to Lorenzo.

Yes. I can admit that I got Abi into this, and I owed her. But anything that happens from here on out is on her… I just hope she doesn’t take me down with her.

“Would you like something?” I ask, sliding a menu across the table to Abi.

She shakes her head and pulls a small notepad from her peacoat’s inside pocket. “No, let’s just get this over with.” She opens the notepad and tosses it in front of her and then pulls a pen out next. She pulls the cap off with her teeth and glances up at me as she hovers the pen over the pad.

“What are you doing?” I raise a brow.

She lets the cap fall from her mouth, and it rattles on the table. She scribbles something on the pad.


“I’m taking notes.” She peeks up at me through her lashes. “I’d hate to forget something about my dear fiancé.”

She goes back to scribbling, and my lip twitches in annoyance. Why the hell hadn’t I thought of that?

“What are you writing?” I try to pick out words on the pad, but Abi’s hand is covering it. She finishes, then slides the pad to me.

Colter Gruco

Self-absorbed asshole

Has a pool

I slide it back to her and smile for anyone who might be watching. “How sweet.”