Page 30 of The One I Need

“Are you?”

“Of course I am.” Of that fact, Cameron was a hundred percent certain. “I want people in my life I can trust. Not people who manipulate me to get what they want.”

“Unless I’m missing some pertinent facts, I don’t see how she manipulated you.” When he started to speak, Hal held up a hand. “Let me finish. She had some questions to ask you, questions that were important to her. Once she felt comfortable with you, she told you everything, and when you answered her questions, she believed you.”

“It sounds different when you put it that way,” he grudgingly admitted. “I spoke with Anson about the situation. He strongly urged me to steer clear of her.”

“Anson is a wise young man.”

“You agree with him?” Cameron couldn’t keep the surprise from his voice. Everything she’d said so far had given him the opposite impression.

“I’m saying there are two possibilities. Either you accept her at her word and continue the relationship. Or you reject her and it’s over. That’s a decision only you can make.” His grandmother’s gaze met his. “You’re a smart man, Cameron. You have never been anyone’s fool. I daresay you already know this woman well enough to know if she’s worth any more of your time.” Rising up on tiptoes, Hal brushed a kiss across his cheek. “You’ll make the right decision. I have every confidence in you.”

Cameron wished he could feel so certain. “Well, I suppose we should go back inside before Pops sends out a search party for us.”

Before his grandmother could respond, Miles stepped onto the terrace. “If you’re done discussing June Parker, Pops wants you.”

Hal inhaled sharply. “June Parker?”

Miles lifted a hand. “I didn’t say a word to the others. I just assumed that’s what you and Cameron came out here to discuss.”

“Tell Johnny I’ll be in shortly,” Hal said. “And, Miles?”


“Don’t mention June’s name in there unless you want WWIII to erupt.”

“Gotcha.” Miles flashed a smile. “My lips are sealed.”

Giving Cameron a thumbs-up, Miles stepped back inside and slid the door to the terrace firmly shut.

“The woman I’ve been talking about gave me a French name in Paris, but she goes by June Parker in the USA.” Cameron cleared his throat. “You know her.”

“I do.” Hal nodded. “June and I are well acquainted.”

His grandmother gestured to where several chairs sat, grouped for conversation. “Let’s sit. Explaining this may take a while.”