Page 17 of The One I Need

“Carry on.” With a chuckle, Miles headed back in the direction he’d come from.

“Your brother doesn’t look like you.” June slanted a glance at Cameron.

“Miles is definitely the outlier in terms of looks. We used to tease him and say someone left him on the doorstep.” Cameron chuckled at the memory. “The truth is, he’s a throwback in terms of looks to my grandmother’s father.”

“He seems like a nice guy.”

“Miles is the best.”

Though she tried to convince herself otherwise, June had the sinking feeling that Miles had recognized the significance of her name. She wondered as they made their way to the house how long Miles would wait to tell Cameron about the rumors that had swirled about her relationship with their grandmother Hal.

Rumors that, because of her promise to Hal, she was powerless to fight.

She didn’t think Miles would go out of his way to say anything, or he’d have done so immediately. But if the opportunity presented itself, he’d likely say something to Cameron.

Which meant the time for her to come clean with Cameron needed to come sooner rather than later.

* * *

“Do you have time for a quick tour?” Cameron asked when he and Juin reached the house. If she needed to get home, they could leave now. But he didn’t want to cut the evening short unnecessarily.

“I have time.” Juin glanced hesitantly at the massive double doors. “Would your parents really appreciate you parading strangers through their home while they’re gone?”

“You’re not a stranger, and this is my home, too. Or it was for a number of years.” Cameron made quick work of the smart lock system by punching data into his phone. Once they were inside, he quickly enabled the motorized deadbolt, then flicked on the lights, all from his phone.

Juin inhaled, her eyes growing wide. She turned to Cameron. “This looks like a movie set.”

Cameron was used to the marble floors and winding staircase that drew the eye upward. He liked that the home’s open floor plan and floor-to-ceiling windows offered incredible views. The professionally decorated space made for a lovely home, and Cameron knew his parents were happy here.

“When we first moved here, I enjoyed having my own space instead of sharing a room with Miles, as I’d done in the family home in Silver Creek.” Cameron chuckled. “After a while, I found I missed having my brother in the same room. We were—are very different, but I like to think we were good for each other.”

Juin trailed a finger over an alcove that housed a sculpture, one of his mother’s favorites.

His mouth went dry as he imagined that fingertip trailing down his abdomen to—

“Where does Miles live now?”

The question jerked him back to the present.

“After college, he returned to Silver Creek, the town.” Cameron smiled. “He took over the family home there. When I go back to visit, that place still feels more like home than this house.”

“My sister and I shared a room growing up.” Juin’s eyes turned dark with memories. “We both complained, but like you, I enjoyed having my sister close. I can’t tell you how many times we’d lie there in the dark, talking late into the night.” Expelling a sigh, Juin turned to him. “The late-night talks were what I missed most when she was gone. After the funeral, I started sleeping on the sofa in the living room. It drove my dad crazy, but I just couldn’t go back into that room that held so many memories.”

“Where’s your dad now?” Cameron couldn’t believe he hadn’t asked before. She’d mentioned her mother numerous times and how she was alone. He’d never considered her father was in the picture.

“Dad lives in California with his new wife and kids.” Juin gave a little laugh. “I don’t miss him, except when I do.”

Cameron nodded.

She flashed a smile. “Enough of the sad talk. I’m ready for the grand tour.”

* * *

“I told you. Once you’ve seen one big house, you’ve seen them all.” Cameron’s joking tone on the drive to her apartment brought a smile to June’s lips.

“Not true.” June could say more, but the truth was, she hadn’t been in many homes as striking as his parents’ house. “You have a lovely home.”

“My parents are happy there.” Cameron turned onto the street leading to June’s apartment. “That’s what matters.”