Page 13 of The One I Need

“So that you don’t get stepped on any more, and I don’t get another Solo cup of beer spilled down the front of my shirt?”

June fought to hold back a smile. “I can’t believe that happened to you. That’s the kind of stuff that usually happens to me.”

“That reminds me.” He took her arm, and she realized they were heading in the direction of the car. Guess she’d read him right after all. “You were talking about your friend Lily earlier. Something about things happening for a reason. What was that about?”

The man had a stellar memory for details. She’d noticed that in Paris. It was likely part of the reason he was so successful in business.

“Oh, yes.” June brushed a damp strand of hair back from her face. While it was warm this evening, it wasn’t that warm—unless you were surrounding by sweaty, gyrating bodies cutting off all air circulation. “I was talking about prom, shrimp cocktail and my white dress. Well, Tyson, my date, was not pleased that everyone was taking pics of me and laughing.”

“He was protective.”

“He was embarrassed to be with me. Angry that I’d been so careless when I ate.” June shrugged. “We got into an argument after the dance. A bunch of kids had rented hotel rooms for private after parties.”

The knowing look in Cameron’s eyes told her he knew exactly what those private parties usually involved.

“Tyson and I hadn’t been intimate, but I was considering it.” Her jaw set in a hard line. “After how he’d acted toward me at the dance, the only place I wanted to go was home. Which was where I went.”

“How does that tie in to what your friend said?”

“If I hadn’t dribbled sauce on myself at dinner, Tyson and I might have had a stellar night, and I might have ended up sleeping with him.”

Cameron nodded slowly.

“That night revealed his true character.” June thought back to her discussion with Lily. “I told Lily that I believed that was the reason for what we called Cocktail Saucegate. It saved me from having sex with such a jerk.”

“Makes sense.”

“Thank you. I thought so, too, even if Lily didn’t agree.”

“Why didn’t she agree?”

“To be fair, she didn’t disagree.” June smiled. “She acknowledged that while that probably was true, I could simply have been looking for a reason to make sense of what happened.”

“You realize that’s a pretty deep philosophical discussion to have about a cocktail sauce mishap.”

June’s tone turned teasing. “I’d be disappointed if you and your friends didn’t have similar discussions.”

Cameron laughed. “Our deepest discussions were centered around video games and how to get the highest score.”

“Definitely not philosophical.”

“Never said it was.” Cameron patted the hand she’d wrapped around his arm. “Where to next?”