Page 11 of The One I Need

Cameron’s question pulled June from her brief reverie. As he had only moments before, she paused and considered.

“During my, ah, discussion with Henri, I became aware of this handsome American striding toward us. He took long, confident strides, as if he owned the room.” June couldn’t keep from smiling at the image. “You had on a dark suit and red tie the same deep red as my dress. I sensed that you wouldn’t interrupt, but I was ready for my conversation with Henri to be over.”

“You’d convinced him you were right, so what more was there to say?”

“He wasn’t the type to be convinced. Since I was a woman, Henri was confident he knew more than I did.” She lifted one shoulder in a slight shrug, then let it drop. “It was pointless to continue.” She smiled at Cameron and stabbed another small bite of meat. “Especially when there was a handsome man I was dying to meet.”

“Dying to meet?”

“What can I say?” Her lips twitched. “The outer packaging drew me in. The inner man had me wanting to linger.”

Heat flared in his blue depths. “You did linger. We found a quiet table and talked until the event ended.”

“So much to say,” she murmured. “So little time.”

His fingers curved around hers. “We’re not short of time now. Not with us both back in Denver. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

June wished with all her heart that were true. But when he found out about the money she’d taken from his grandmother, it would probably be over in a matter of seconds.

Which was why, even though she would love to linger, to take things slow, she needed to make a determined effort to move ahead. Before time ran out.

* * *

The beer garden was packed, and wait staff dressed in jeans and red T-shirts circulated, making sure everyone continued to drink.

“Can I get you another?” The young waiter—who looked barely old enough to shave—gazed at June with frank appreciation.

June decided the peach-colored dress had been a good choice, despite the barbecue sauce risk.

“I’m fine.” Cameron glanced at her. “If you want another, please don’t—”

“I’m good.” June flashed the boy a smile. “I’ll flag you down if I change my mind.”

The server had barely turned toward the next table when June shifted her attention back to Cameron. “Why aren’t you having another?”

“I’m driving.”

June wondered if he’d always been that way. The question was, how to ask?

“Seriously, if you want another one, get it.” When Cameron lifted one arm to motion to the server, June pulled it down.

“I’m fine. Seriously.” She gave a little laugh and plunged ahead. “I admire your restraint.”

He inclined his head, as if unsure where she was going with this.

“Remember when I told you my sister died?”

“I remember.”

“Well, she was killed in a hit-and-run, and the police suspect that the driver had been drinking.” She kept her gaze firmly fixed on his face, looking for any reaction.

She saw only sympathy.

Reaching over, he squeezed her hand. “Since the driver didn’t stick around, it’s likely either they were impaired in some way or maybe driving without a license.”

“Driving without a license never crossed my mind.” And why hadn’t it? “I hope the police considered that possibility in their investigation.”

“How could they not?” Cameron gentled his tone, obviously picking up on her uncertainty. “Do you know for a fact that they haven’t explored that possibility?”