Page 14 of The One I Need


Juin took her time responding. No doubt, Cameron assumed, considering all options. Back in Paris, he’d observed that careful calculation was part of her personality. While she wasn’t rigid, she definitely thought things out.

It sounded as if she’d been like that even as a teen, considering how she’d calculated whether or not to have sex with her boyfriend.

Cameron wished he’d displayed as much restraint when he’d been that age. The truth was, he and Anson had shown very little restraint in any part of their lives back then. It still surprised and even amazed him how they’d both gotten to where they were now.

Juin stopped and gazed up at him. “You know what I feel like doing?”

For a second, the flash of desire he saw in her eyes had Cameron hoping that she would suggest they go to bed. Early. Together.

Her lips twitched as if she’d read his mind. She gave his arm a swat. “As tempting as that would be, the evening is so beautiful, it seems a shame to be indoors.”

“Are you saying you want to go back there?” He gestured with his head toward the lights, music and pounding beat of the bass.

Returning to the festival definitely wouldn’t be his choice, but he reminded himself this evening wasn’t about him and what he wanted.

Juin drew back, lifting her hands, a look of mock horror on her face. “No, no, anything but that.”

He laughed and realized he’d laughed more when he was with Juin than he had in, well, forever. “If not there, then where?”

“That’s what I don’t know.” Her hand returned to his arm as they resumed strolling in the direction of the car. “I’d love to go somewhere reasonably quiet. Preferably outdoors, since it’s such a beautiful evening. Definitely no red Solo cups allowed.”

That spark was back in her eyes.

“A place where we could be alone?” His smile turned impish.

“Sure.” She gave a decisive nod, and tipping her head back, she let the full moon bathe her face in a golden glow. “That works.”

“I know just the spot. It’s completely private.” Cameron smiled. “Tall, leafy trees. Flowers in bloom. A fountain and a pond. Extremely safe.”

“You’ve definitely piqued my interest. Where is this magical place?”

“I’ll show you. It isn’t far and,” Cameron winked, “trust me, it meets all your criteria.”

* * *

June stared wide-eyed as the gates to the Cherry Creek mansion slowly opened. Cameron had refused to tell her where he was taking her, insisting he wanted it to be a surprise.

“Where are we?” She shifted in her seat to better face him. “Who lives here?”

“My parents.” Cameron flashed a smile. As if anticipating her question, he continued. “They’re out of town. We have the place to ourselves.”

For a second, for only a split second, June thought he’d misunderstood what she was looking for this evening. She didn’t want a tour of his parents’ home. Well, she did, but not this evening.

He kept driving down the winding drive. It felt like they were driving through a park, only there were no other vehicles.

June rolled down her window, and the scent of evergreens and flowers wafted into the car. She thought she heard an owl hoot as Cameron pulled into a circular drive and stopped in front of an impressive brick and stone home.

“Home sweet home,” Cameron quipped, pushing open his car door.

“Did you ever consider living here when you returned to the States?” June shoved open her own door and stepped out.

“My parents made it clear I was welcome to move back in and stay as long as I wanted.” Cameron looked up at the stone frontage boasting a castlelike facade. “There’s certainly enough room, but a penthouse was open at Silver Creek. I like my privacy, so that works better for me.”

“Don’t you have other family living there?”

If Cameron found the question odd, it didn’t show. “I do. My grandparents live there, as well as JR and his fiancée, Britt. But they’re busy, I’m busy. Our paths cross when we want, but we don’t get into each other’s business.”