Page 33 of His Pet

“That was nice,” I say, rolling my shoulders. “Worth keeping our guests waiting a little while longer.”

“Could I get the bodice now, please?” Her tone is sharp, despite the “please”.

I gesture toward the stairs, and Amelia scurries up it to retrieve the bodice. She wipes the cum away with the skirt and hurries to put it on.

She struggles with the zipper, and I wait to see if she’ll ask me for help. She manages to get it up to the middle of her back and then she comes down the stairs. She walks in front of me to the door and throws it open, returning her arms to her chest once she passes through.

Neither of us says a word as we ride the elevator to the banquet floor. I glance at her occasionally, but she doesn’t make eye contact. She keeps her head down with her hair shielding her face. My fingers itch to brush it over her shoulder, but I restrain myself.

The elevator door opens, and we make our way into the banquet hall.

People cheer and raise their glasses as we enter, and Amelia tenses. She slinks behind me, and I reach back and pull her around.

The tables have cleared, and people stand around with cocktails in their hands.

I smile and place my hands on Amelia’s shoulders. “Now that we’ve got that out of our system,” I say, addressing the room. “I have a special treat.”

I nod at Joe for him to flip the switch to raise the curtains. As it slides along the rails, showcasing my surprise, the guests twist around to watch.

“My new pet has decided to take the place of the tiger she cares so dearly for.”

The curtain opens, revealing two inclined platforms with a metal ring in between them. Victor gives Amelia a wink while pulling out a matchbox and stepping up to the ring. Flames erupt around the metal after he tosses a lit match against it, and he steps back. Wax coating the metal will help it stay lit for a while.

Amelia spins in my arms and shakes her head. Her jaw is dropped, and her eyes are wide.

“No,” she says. She grabs my shirt and shakes her head again. “Lorenzo, please, no.”

“I told you I would show you how I treat my animals.” I wave to the platform. “This is part of that. Theinhumanepart, remember?”

“I’m sorry. I—”

“Go, Amelia.”

I turn her around and force her to move. She digs her heels in and bends her knees, all the while her head turns from left to right to take in the people. Smiles cover their faces, twenty sets of teeth all aimed at Amelia.

By the time I get her to the front of the platform, she’s shaking profusely, and she forgets her modesty, no longer covering her chest. Her hands are behind her, holding onto my belt like it’s her lifeline.

“A word of advice?” I whisper into her ear while prying her hands off me. “Run fast and don’t hesitate.”

“It’s too small. I’ll burn myself.”

“Then I’ll patch you up. You’re beautiful enough, you can stand to have a few scars.”

She looks back over her shoulder, and when our eyes meet, it swipes the smile from my face.

Her lips are pouted, and her eyes hold a sadness to them that steals my excitement. I see more hurt than I do fear. As if she expected more from me.

“You’ll be fine,” I say in an attempt to reassure her. “Just don’t hesitate.”

“Please don’t make me do this.”

I lean forward and plant a kiss on her lips. Quick. Before she can protest. I force her face forward and press my lips to her ear. “I’m rooting for you.”

Then I step away, my arms crossing and face hardening. Anthony steps up beside me, and I don’t turn to face him when I feel his stare. I don’t take my eyes off Amelia.

“It’s not too late to stop this,” he comments. I don’t respond.

Amelia glances around the room, meeting the eyes of the onlookers egging her on. When she finds me, she gives me a pleading look, and I shake my head.