Page 83 of Until I Met You

‘What exactly did Anthony’s sweet mum have to say?’

Naomi let out a small groan. ‘It’s stupid really. I might have overreacted.’

‘If it’s so stupid, could we get back to brunching?’ Samantha asked.

Naomi looked down at her hands folded on her lap. Samantha couldn’t help but notice her nail polish was chipped, too. An irrational anger coursed through her. This was her big special day. They were meant to brunch, laugh and pose for silly photos. Later, they had a glam session scheduled. There wasn’t time for any of this drama.

‘Is there even going to be a wedding today?’ Samantha asked.

‘I don’t see the point.’ Naomi’s voice was small. ‘The secret is out and—’

‘Oh, who the hell cares?’ Samantha’s voice filled the room. ‘The Naomi I know wouldn’t let what anyone thinks or says keep her from going after what she wants.’

Naomi gave her a weary look. How exhausting it must have been to battle everyone’s perceptions all this time! Unfortunately, the battle wasn’t over. Good thing Samantha had enough juice to continue the fight.

She rose and planted her hands on her hips. ‘If you don’t want to tell me what went down with Anthony’s parents, that’s fine. But could we please—’

Naomi waved away her protest. ‘Settle down. We’re just getting to the good part.’

This was quintessential Naomi. She was in pain, hurt and confused, and still enjoying it. As ever, she was the main character in a film in which everyone else had minor supporting roles.

Samantha sat back down. ‘Go on, then.’

The Connecticut contingent arrived promptly at 8 a.m. Naomi, Anthony, Amelia and her stepdad, Gregory, were standing ready to greet them. Eager to impress, Amelia wore a linen pantsuit. Naomi wore the billowy white dress she had set aside for the morning’s brunch. Anthony got his height and green eyes from his lanky Irish dad and his dark, good looks from his petite Cuban mother. They unfolded from the car and took in their surroundings with glee. They ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ over the resort’s charm and the striking beauty of the lush mountains in the distance. Naomi could feel the tension roll off her mother’s body. They were off to a good start.

This was the first time the families were meeting in person. All the video chats in the world couldn’t make up for good old-fashioned face-to-face interaction. Naomi had only to look into her future mother-in-law’s eyes to know that they were not out of the rainforest yet.

Anthony’s favourite uncle, Peter, and his wife and kids pulled up in a second car. Anthony threw himself into his family’s arms. The hotel staff took care of the luggage. Very soon, they were off to Amelia’s bungalow for coffee, tea, scones and breakfast pastries.

It had been decided, well into last night, that Naomi and Anthony would announce the pregnancy to their families over breakfast. It was the right time to do it. Their sincere hope was that the announcement of the arrival of a grandchild would unify the two families. Excitement would boil over and melt any lingering ice. When the time came, Anthony winked at her. She was nervous and did not share his confidence. Deep inside, she’d wanted to keep their secret a while longer, bury it deep in her heart. She’d come this close to changing her mind when Anthony rose and tapped a spoon to a teacup and said the dreaded words. ‘Naomi and I have something wonderful to share.’

At which point Amelia froze, dropped a scone and blurted, ‘Daughter, are you pregnant?’

‘Wait …’ Now Samantha leaned forward and planted her elbows on her knees. ‘She called you … daughter?’

Naomi threw her hands up. ‘This is why I love you! When has that woman ever called me daughter? She was putting on such a show.’

Too stressed to laugh, Samantha coughed. ‘This is insane.’

‘It gets even crazier,’ Naomi said. ‘Everyone stops what they’re doing and stares at me. The room is as quiet as a church. It’s painfully awkward. I am dying inside. Finally, Anthony says yes, we’re expecting a baby in February. Amelia starts to cry. She’s overwhelmed with emotion and wants everyone to know. Anthony’s dad and uncle congratulate us. Good old Gregory breaks out his stash of Cuban cigars. For a second, I’m fool enough to believe our plan has worked and then—’

Samantha was at the edge of her seat, just as Naomi wanted. ‘Hurry up! My heart’s going to explode.’

‘Lucy Scott pulls me aside,’ Naomi said. ‘She wants to talk “woman to woman”. We step out onto the porch. I figure she wants to welcome me into her family or share some thoughts on motherhood or whatever. Instead, she says she can tell that I’m overwhelmed from the look on my face.’

‘Which you were, and understandably so.’

‘There’s more,’ Naomi said. ‘She offers to help in any way. Whatever I decide, she has my back. If I want to cancel the wedding, she’ll talk to Anthony and get him to understand.’

Samantha’s anger burst before her eyes like fireworks. ‘You’re joking!’

‘I’m not.’ Naomi’s lips had flattened into one grim line, betraying how hurt she was.

‘And you’re not exaggerating or embellishing in any way?’ Samantha asked.

Naomi shook her head. ‘Not at all.’

‘And what did you say to her? Please tell me you gave her a piece of your mind.’