Page 7 of Until I Met You

Chapter Four

Naomi’s stepdad, Gregory, was filthy rich. This was a detail Samantha had somehow deleted from memory. It all came rushing back in stunning clarity when their car veered off the main road onto a single strip of asphalt lined with tall, skinny palm trees, leading to the beachfront resort in Crown Point, Tobago, their home for the week.

Naomi wasn’t born into money. Back when they were neighbours, she was just a normal girl. They attended state school and had no privilege to speak of. Naomi’s mother, Amelia, was on her second marriage. She’d divorced Naomi’s dad soon after her little sister was born. Then on a trip home to Tobago, Amelia met the true love of her life, an obscenely rich man whose family had come into their fortune with a mobile phone start-up in nearby Venezuela.

Amelia didn’t exactly leap for joy when Naomi announced her sudden engagement. She did, however, insist on hosting the wedding. With the recent pandemic still fresh in her mind, she’d decided to spread the guests out in private bungalows over a few acres of land with ocean views. However, it was the view of the surrounding mountains, solid and lush, that left Samantha in awe. She’d stared wide-eyed out the window the moment they pulled away from the airport.

The van drew up to the hotel lobby and she stepped out on wobbly legs. The hotel comprised several newly constructed buildings with white façades and peaked roofs. While Jasmine oversaw the transfer of their luggage, she gathered her bearings. It was the sort of bright, colourful day that only the Caribbean could deliver. Noonday heat pressed down on her. Uniformed attendants rushed to assist, loading their suitcases onto a golf cart under Jasmine’s watchful eye. Hugo strode off toward the building marked Main Lobby, his garment bag thrown over his shoulder, wheeling his one suitcase behind him.

‘Hey! Wait for us!’ Samantha called after him.

‘Not my fault you overpacked!’ he tossed back.

‘Not everyone can get by on two pairs of cargo shorts and a T-shirt, you know.’

As they squabbled, the sliding glass door to the main lobby opened and Naomi emerged, dark cocoa skin gleaming in the sun. She wore a billowy blue dress and espadrilles. A floppy straw hat with ‘Princess Bride’ embroidered on the wide brim completed her look. And because it had to be said, she was extraordinarily fit. This was no doubt one of the perks of dating a fitness trainer.

Naomi clasped her hands together. ‘My people are here!’

All four let out a cry and crashed into each other, eager for a hug.

‘I’m so glad you’re finally here,’ Naomi said. ‘Amelia is driving me crazy and Maya is an emotional mess!’

‘It’s tough for them,’ Samantha said. ‘You three were so tight.’

‘Sam, It’s tough for me!’

‘We’re here now, sweetie,’ Hugo reassured her. ‘And we’ll whip everyone into shape. No one is killing my vibe.’

Jasmine pressed her cheek to Naomi’s and made a loud kissing sound. ‘Congratulations, love! You’re glowing! What’s your secret?’

‘Oh, you know.’ Naomi shrugged. ‘Fooling around, falling in love.’

Samantha studied Naomi. She did not look like a woman on the verge of making the biggest mistake of her life. She looked calm, rested and her face radiated joy.

‘Listen up,’ Naomi said. ‘Some quick housekeeping issues, then we’ll get you settled. First, are Jason and Adrian still scheduled to arrive later today?’

‘Nothing’s changed,’ Jasmine assured her. ‘Jason is flying in from Toronto. He’ll get here by three.’

‘Adrian is done with his last patient and heading to the airport,’ added Hugo.

‘Perfect. Everyone will be here for dinner.’

Everyone except for Timothy, obviously.

‘Is it a formal dinner?’ Jasmine asked.

Naomi rested her hand on her chest, the left hand with the two-carat princess cut diamond ring. ‘Not too formal.’

Formal or not, Samantha was disappointed. On their first night in Tobago, she’d hoped to catch up with Naomi. It would have been the perfect time to sit down for a chat. Naomi’s apparent happiness was no reason to cancel the plan.

‘Besides, it’s an opportunity for you to meet the boys.’

This particular boy band presumably consisted of the groom, his cousin and best man, and an old college friend.

‘Can we get going?’ Hugo asked. ‘I need to jump in a pool STAT!’

‘There is one other thing,’ Naomi said. ‘It concerns you, Sam.’