Page 60 of Until I Met You

Chapter Twenty

Sometime past midnight, the rain Naomi had predicted finally came crashing down. Roman slipped out of bed to shut windows and lock doors, leaving Samantha alone, half awake, half asleep, listening to the tap of rain on the corrugated tin roof. She picked up the sounds of Roman moving about the house. It had felt like the most natural thing in the world. They slept intertwined and woke up around seven. He made her coffee and drove her back to the resort. She hadn’t wanted to leave so early, but had promised Naomi to help set up for the rehearsal and prepare mentally for the arrival of her future in-laws.

Roman walked her to her door. ‘I’ll see you later, then?’

Samantha wasn’t ready to set him free yet. She lured him inside with an offer of tea or coffee or whatever. A moment later, he had her pinned against the closed door, a hand slipped under her cotton T-shirt. A furious knock on the door jolted them apart. It was Naomi, looking frazzled.

All week Naomi had sailed about unruffled, graceful as a swan. Now she stood on the veranda with her arms rod stiff at her side, hands balled into fists, the way she used to as a child.

Samantha held open the door to invite her in. She shook her head. ‘I need you to come with me to Amelia’s.’

‘Is something wrong?’

‘There’s been some … developments.’

Samantha looked around for the sandals she’d kicked off earlier. ‘I’ll just tell Roman—’

‘Roman’s here? So early?’

Roman had backed into the sitting room, discreet and out of sight.

‘He stopped by this morning and—’ Naomi’s pointed look stopped her short. Samantha sighed and started over. ‘Yes, Roman’s here.’

He came in from the sitting room, crowding the narrow foyer. ‘Hey, Naomi!’

Naomi eyed him. ‘Glad someone is in a good mood this morning.’

‘I just got a text from Anthony,’ he said. ‘Says he needs to talk. Is something up?’

‘You may want to check in on him.’ Naomi cuffed Samantha’s wrist. ‘I’m taking this one with me.’

Samantha barely had a chance to wave goodbye. Naomi marched her down the stone path leading to Amelia and Gregory’s bungalow. At some point, Samantha worried she was under arrest. She urged Naomi to stop. ‘Tell me what’s going on.’

Naomi finally let it out. ‘Anthony’s family can’t make it.’

‘They can’t make it to their son’s wedding?’

‘Well, no. Just the rehearsal dinner.’

‘When will they get here, exactly?’

Naomi took a breath and launched into an explanation. The Connecticut contingent had missed their connecting flight in Miami. They were now booked on a 5 a.m. flight the following morning. Which meant they’d arrive on the wedding day with only hours to spare. The carefully drawn schedule was worthless. Now they were headed to Amelia’s for an emergency meeting.

‘So long as they make it in time for the wedding,’ Samantha said.

‘I know, I know.’ Naomi huffed. ‘But first Ted bails and now this.’

The absentee best man … His abrupt departure was a mystery to this day. ‘What really happened with him?’

‘Please, Sam, I don’t want to get into it.’

Samantha raised her hands to show that she meant no harm. Naomi was in such a state that the slightest provocation could split her in two.

‘Let’s go. Amelia is waiting.’

It was such a lovely day. After the night’s rain, the Caribbean sky was spotless and bright. But it didn’t look like they were going to get a chance to enjoy it.

Amelia’s bungalow was way larger than Samantha’s and located in the secluded side of the resort. Amelia came to the door in a floral print housedress and matching turban, a cup of tea in her hand. She invited them into the sitting room. Once they were settled, she got to the point. Amelia had called for the emergency meeting to announce that she’d cancelled the rehearsal. ‘You all know what’s expected of you. A mock ceremony before the ceremony is superfluous.’