Page 38 of Until I Met You

Jasmine threw her hands up in exultation. ‘Yes! I am! Thank you! I thought Timothy cut out a part of your brain.’

Samantha refused to stand in the dismal shade of the shop’s awning, breathing in the exhaust from every motorbike that sped by, only to talk about Timothy. ‘You got engaged. Now that’s a big deal.’

‘It just hasn’t sunk in yet.’ She held out her hand to show off the ring. On her slender finger, it was more beautiful than Jason had described. ‘I’m still in shock.’

‘You had us worried for a while,’ Samantha said. ‘I recall you saying you didn’t believe in marriage.’

‘I don’t know what I believe in, to be honest.’

The light in Jasmine’s eyes flickered out. Samantha wished she hadn’t said anything. The last thing she wanted was to introduce doubt. Jasmine was happy with the choice she’d made, even if it was in contradiction to a loosely drawn belief system.

‘If you believe Jason loves you, you’re all set.’

‘This has more to do with my mother than Jason,’ Jasmine said. ‘She’s a devout Catholic and vehemently opposed to “living in sin”.’

Samantha nodded gravely. ‘She fears you’ve lost your virtue.’ That brought a smile to Jasmine’s lips and a brief reappearance of the dimple. ‘God knows I lost my virtue a while ago.’

‘Isn’t there some sort of penance you could do? A few Hail Marys could sort that out.’

‘Tell her that,’ Jasmine said. ‘The last time I visited, we bickered the whole time. It was Christmas and I wanted to pack up and leave. We haven’t talked much since then. I couldn’t tell Jason because that would put a strain on our relationship, and I tell Jason everything. It’s been a stressful few months.’

Jasmine had never mentioned any of this. ‘You could have talked to us.’

‘Want to know the fastest way to kill any vibe?’ Jasmine asked. ‘Bring up your Catholic mother over brunch with your friends.’

‘But we’re not your brunch buddies. We’re your actual friends. You should feel comfortable enough to tell us when you’re going through a difficult time.’

Jasmine shot her a look, as if to say, You’re the least qualified person to lecture anyone on the need for transparency in relationships.

‘Fine,’ Samantha huffed. ‘We can all do better in that department.’

‘I’ll tell you this,’ Jasmine said. ‘When Jason got down on one knee in the middle of the sea, none of that mattered. The answer was clear to me. I love him. He loves me. We’re going to be happy.’

‘Of course you are.’

‘I haven’t told my parents yet,’ Jasmine mumbled. ‘My mom is going to be thrilled, and I don’t want to give her the satisfaction.’

‘Enjoy your trip. You can tell her when you get back,’ Samantha said. ‘What’s a few more days of spiritual anguish in the greater scheme of things?’

‘Just a drop in the ocean of time.’

They were both laughing now.

‘Where will this magical wedding take place?’ Samantha asked. ‘Beneath a Yucatan pyramid? Amidst the Greek ruins?’

‘Most likely in Montreal next July,’ she said. ‘It’ll be easier on my parents, and I’d like to show my friends around my city for a change. Have you ever been?’

‘To Canada? Never.’

Jasmine wrapped one of her braids around her finger, looking a little nervous. ‘Would you like to come and be my bridesmaid?’

Ah! So this was what Jasmine wanted to ask her all along. ‘Absolutely, I would!’

‘You sure? It’s a tight turnaround from this gig. Naomi hasn’t put you off the job?’

‘Are you crazy? I live for this stuff. Besides, Naomi has been surprisingly chill, so far. I trust you’ll be the world’s coolest bride.’

‘Don’t worry,’ Jasmine said. ‘When it’s your turn to walk down the aisle we’ll bend over backwards to make it special. Just name your spot and we’ll be there in peach satin dresses and matching shoes.’