Page 66 of Until I Met You

‘It’s nothing like that,’ she assured him. ‘It’s delicate, and I don’t want him to know we talked behind his back.’

‘I won’t say anything. You have my word.’

If Roman’s word was as solid as just about everything else about him, she was in good hands. ‘All right,’ she said. ‘Here’s what I know.’

Samantha relayed everything Jasmine had shared. Roman listened intently, nodding every once in a while, his jaw tight. When she was done, he let out a sharp breath. ‘First of all, Ted is the worst. You should know that. I met him a few times in the past and I never liked him.’

‘I got that vibe.’

‘Second, don’t worry.’ He stroked her bare arm with the back of his hand. ‘I knew all this.’

‘You knew?’

‘Who do you think broke up that fight?’ he said. ‘I went over to speak with Anthony after I left you that night. I must’ve just missed Jasmine.’

‘You knew and you didn’t tell me?’

Samantha was outraged. Obviously, the Rum Punch Agreement wasn’t as strong as the cocktail it was named after.

‘Anthony asked me to keep it quiet,’ he said. ‘If it makes you feel better, I went to see him that night to ask about you.’

‘Yeah? Like what?’

He smirked. ‘The usual. Your sign … Your favourite colour

‘Oh, shut up!’ It was hard to stay mad when he was so cute.

‘I’ve got Anthony’s back. I’m willing to put on a tux and step in as best man if it comes to it.’

She pictured Roman in a well-cut tuxedo. ‘Could you wear the tux, anyway?’

‘For you? I’ll consider it.’

They were way off track. ‘You broke our agreement the same night we made it. To my mind, you owe me some information.’

‘What do you want to know?’ he asked.

‘Is there some other reason Ted objected to the wedding, apart from the lightning-fast courtship?’

‘I think that was it,’ Roman said. ‘Fun fact about Anthony: he’s never been in love before.’

That was odd. ‘Never?’

‘Never,’ Roman said. ‘Naturally, people think he’s gone and lost his mind.’

The follow-up question just leaped out. ‘Have you ever been in love?’

‘Yes,’ he said, as matter of fact as ever.

Roman in love with someone, anyone, head over heels in love, drowning in love – well, she couldn’t picture it. Or maybe she just didn’t want to. The thought made her sick. It was best to move on. ‘Do Anthony’s parents approve of Naomi?’

He cocked his head. ‘Approve?’

‘I think you understand.’

‘Naomi is smart and successful and gorgeous. Any man would be lucky—’

‘You and I know that, but Ted wasn’t sold.’