Page 25 of Until I Met You

Samantha had not grown up climbing trees or swinging from vines. She’d played roughhouse in padded rooms and got her adrenaline rush from climbing jungle gyms and diving into ball pits. Jumping into a waterfall sat well outside her realm of experience.

Hugo and Adrian were the first to leap, hollering something about freedom on their way down. Meanwhile, Roman had stripped off his T-shirt and rolled it into a ball. From his broad shoulders to his narrow waist and every rippling ab in between, he was more beautiful than she’d ever imagined. There was a tattoo of a thorny black rose on his right shoulder and the ace of spades on his back. She had no desire to jump into a shallow pool and every desire to touch him, to explore the ink work and feel the grain of his tight skin. Her inner Jude cautioned that she would do so at her own peril.

Anthony was concerned with Naomi’s welfare. ‘Stay here,’ he said. ‘Sit on a rock and let the water flow down your back.’

Naomi was outraged. ‘Like a mermaid? I don’t think so.’

‘For safety.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve done this hundreds of times.’

‘No, you haven’t.’

‘Trust me. I’m an island girl at heart. I can do this.’

Jen and Chris had no safety concerns whatsoever. They took off over the cliff, arms extended high.

‘Woo hoo! Awesome!’ Jen cried.

‘Freaking awesome!’ Chris echoed.

Anthony and Naomi followed, leaping hand in hand. Jasmine asked Samantha to record a quick video as she and Jason took the leap. And then they were two.

‘What are you waiting for?’ Anthony called out to them. ‘Get in here. It’s great.’

Samantha squirmed in her bustier bikini top that was designed for lounging in the sun at best.

Roman took her aside. ‘We can stay here, do some bird-watching.’

It was a really sweet offer and her heart broke a little. ‘Don’t be silly. Go on. Jump. I’ll be right in.’

‘Samantha …’ He took a step closer to her. ‘How about we do this together.’

Her first instinct was to say no, to repeat her affirmation. I can go it alone. But she didn’t want to, and as it turned out, she didn’t have to.

‘I could totally do this on my own,’ she said. ‘But I wouldn’t want to leave you hanging, not with everyone watching.’

‘Thanks,’ he said with a grin. ‘Can’t tell you how much that means to me.’

‘You’re welcome.’

‘OK … ready?’

Samantha nodded.

Roman held out his hand. ‘Let’s go for it.’

And they did. Together.