Page 24 of Until I Met You

Once they’d filed out of the bus, Naomi drifted to Anthony’s side. Everybody stretched and they were off.

‘Hey, Jude!’ Jason called out to the guide moments later. ‘How far to the waterfalls?’

‘Not far. A fifteen-minute walk,’ Jude said. ‘Will you swim?’

‘Try and stop me.’

‘There are three levels,’ Jude explained. ‘The first basin is nice and shallow. Guests like to climb to the higher levels, but you do so at your own risk.’


Samantha was entranced by the lush green forest. Jude pointed out each bird and each tree, providing a brief history of fauna and flora alike. Samantha paid attention. A Trinidad motmot bird spotted on a branch was a national symbol and featured predominantly on the local five-dollar note. The rubber trees were imported from Brazil. The teak trees were protected under government law. The trumpet tree bloomed bright yellow for one month out of every year. It was all fascinating stuff, but Samantha gradually tuned Jude out and tuned in on Roman. He followed in his casual way, hands stuffed in the pockets of well-worn cargo shorts, a baseball cap pulled down over his eyes. Every now and then he asked a question. He told Jude it had been a while since he’d visited the park. He used to come often as a kid when he spent his summers at his grandparents’ house. He’d been meaning to come out to the waterfalls for a swim, but had never got around to it.

‘You should make the time. The waterfall is excellent to relieve stress,’ Jude said. ‘You’ll feel ten years younger.’

Roman clapped the older man on the back. ‘No doubt.’

Samantha snapped a photo of a motmot bird, but made sure Roman was in the frame.

‘We are approaching the waterfall!’ Jude announced even though the sound of the rushing water made it obvious. They were making their way down wide, long steps embedded into rock. A bright yellow sign advised the use of the handrail. Jude echoed this message: ‘Watch your step! Slippery!’ Despite all that, Samantha slipped and fell on her bum, coming very close to taking Jasmine down with her.


Jasmine screamed. ‘Jesus! Are you OK?’

Everyone had stopped in their tracks and swivelled to face her. Naomi cried, ‘Sam! Don’t you dare break a hip!’

Roman took the stairs by twos to get to her. He held out both hands for Samantha to grab and gently, so gently, raised her off the cold, hard, slippery, moss-covered rock. Samantha was embarrassed to her core. After reassuring Jude that she was not in peril or pain, they continued.

The group divided into pairs to complete the descent with Samantha and Roman at the end of the line. Roman slipped an arm around her waist – for balance.

‘How do you feel?’ he asked.

She felt stupid and foolish, but that didn’t take away the pleasure of having Roman at her side, his solid body pressed against hers. The feeling was heightened by the birdsong, sunlight streaming through the trees, and a sudden breeze sprinkled with droplets from the waterfall. And then she snapped out of it. ‘I’m fine. Thanks.’

‘What would you do without me?’ he asked.

Samantha leaned into him even as she pushed away his comment. ‘Somebody has a hero complex.’

‘It’s your sneakers,’ he said. ‘Those are for powerwalking in the park.’

She glanced down at her trainers. They were the slip-on variety. ‘Sorry. I left my hiking boots at home.’

Admittedly Samantha hadn’t been in the best headspace when she packed for the trip. She’d tossed random items into her suitcase, ignoring the list Naomi had forwarded weeks in advance. For this hike through a nature reserve, she was wearing a loose T-shirt, fitted cycling shorts, a bucket hat, and trainers with absolutely zero grip. Jude explained that it had rained the night before and boots would have been a preferable choice. Jen, Chris, Naomi and Anthony were suitably attired because, naturally, ‘they hike all the time back in LA.’

Finally, they made it to the waterfalls. Water cascaded down the mountainside, splitting in different directions in an argyle pattern, filling a pool below.

‘Here we are, ladies and gentlemen!’ Jude exclaimed. ‘Three levels, three pools. The highest point is 450 feet above sea level. Tobago is under sea level at the moment.’

They stood in awe. A minute later, they stripped down to the swimsuits worn beneath their clothes, eager to dive in – all except Samantha, who had some questions.

‘How deep is it?’ she asked Jude.

‘The lowest level is eighteen feet,’ he said. ‘The higher levels are shallow. You’ll use that rope there to climb, but at your own risk.’

‘Uh huh.’

‘Come on, Sam!’ Anthony said, ever the encouraging coach. ‘I know you’re a city girl, but don’t be scared. You can do it.’