Page 13 of Until I Met You

‘You’re my problem.’

Dinner was served and the simple shrimp curry with rice and grilled vegetables was so delicious everyone lost the will to chat. By the time dessert was served, Jen’s date, a guy named Chris, roped Roman into a convoluted conversation about computers. When they all got up from the table, Samantha pulled Naomi aside. ‘I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day.’

‘Uh huh,’ Naomi replied distractedly. ‘What do you think about Roman?’

Samantha stiffened. ‘Nothing. I think absolutely nothing.’

‘He’s single, you know.’

‘I heard.’

Naomi winked. ‘Oh, good.’

‘Goodnight, Naomi.’

The plan was to get away as quickly as possible. No one would miss her. With the arrival of Jason and Adrian this afternoon, the couples’ retreat had begun in earnest. She was confident in her plan until, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Roman breaking away from the others and moving in her direction. She darted off the deck toward the path to the bungalows.

‘Samantha! Wait up!’ he called after her.

She could pretend she hadn’t heard him and keep on marching. Why didn’t she want to? Why did her heart flutter with excitement? What was going on with her?

Roman caught up easily. ‘Can we talk a minute?’

‘Honestly, haven’t we talked enough?’

He frowned. ‘You still hate me.’

‘Hate is a strong word.’

‘I’m actually a nice guy.’

‘Sure you are.’

‘I’m a good friend – just ask Anthony. And I’m pretty laidback once you get to know me.’

Samantha shrugged, unimpressed. ‘I’m all those things, too.’

‘Why can’t we get along?’

She had no answer for that. ‘How about we try again tomorrow?’

‘Fair. May I walk you to your room.’

‘It’s not a room. It’s a bungalow.’

‘All to yourself?’

‘Yes. And it’s not selfish!’

‘Why would it be?’ he said. ‘I should’ve taken up Anthony’s offer and gotten one for myself.’

‘Why didn’t you?’

‘I’m not a tourist.’

Without realizing, they’d started down the path and walked a long while in silence, side by side, his hands shoved in his pockets and her arms crossed over her chest. Night had fallen. The sea was out there somewhere. She could hear and smell it, the salt air a constant reminder.

After a while, Samantha stopped and looked around. Nothing seemed familiar. The stone-paved path had turned to gravel. Neatly pruned shrubs had given way to soaring palm trees. The surf was louder. They were nowhere near her bungalow or any other building, for that matter. Had they gone down the wrong path?