Page 104 of Until I Met You

‘Think of something.’

Hugo drummed his foot on the terrazzo floor. ‘Sorry I wouldn’t tour houses with you. But I refuse to leave Miami so why would I waste my time?’

Adrian turned to Samantha. ‘How substantial was that apology?’

It was rather thin, as was her patience. ‘I can’t go around in circles with you two. You have no idea how lucky you are to have each other. Sort this out.’

‘I know how lucky I am,’ Adrian said. ‘And I know I screwed up.’

‘Tell me what got into you,’ Hugo pleaded. ‘You’ve turned into someone I don’t recognize.’

‘It’s Victor. He got to my head.’

‘Victor? What does your brother have to do with this?’

‘He bought the house in Orlando and hosted the family reunion last spring. I can’t fit two people and their luggage in our guest bedroom.’

‘We went through all this for some petty sibling rivalry bullshit?’

‘I can’t say that for sure, but it was definitely on my mind.’

‘Do you even want to host a family reunion?’

‘Not really. The hassle alone.’


Adrian buried his face in his hands. ‘I don’t know what I was thinking.’

‘Babe, we are never going to be the heteronormative couple your mother can’t stop dreaming of. We’re not giving her grandkids and we’re not hosting big fat reunions. That’s not us.’

Samantha tapped him on the knee. ‘I think he gets the point.’

‘Do you?’ Hugo asked anxiously.

Adrian reached out and smoothed the one lock of Hugo’s hair that had managed to escape the hold of his preferred gel. ‘I do.’

Hugo caught his husband’s hand and pressed the knuckles to his lips. ‘You’re a piece of work, but I love you.’

They kissed and made up while Samantha squirmed out from between them. ‘OK, guys, mind taking this somewhere else? I need a moment alone.’

This was her private balcony of heartache and sorrow. She needed a few minutes to wallow in peace.

Hugo wouldn’t hear of it. ‘Gata, we can’t leave you out here by yourself.’

‘I fixed your marriage,’ Samantha replied coolly. ‘You can do me this one favour.’

‘I owe you one,’ Adrian said. ‘Thanks for your help.’

‘You’re welcome. Now go. Get out of here. Be happy.’