Page 103 of Until I Met You

Adrian confirmed this. ‘Those were her exact words.’

Samantha covered her sadness with sarcasm. ‘You two are thorough.’

‘We had the scoop of the night,’ Adrian said sheepishly.

‘Don’t worry,’ Hugo said. ‘Roman wasn’t moved.’

‘I’m not worried,’ Samantha said. ‘He can do what he wants.’

‘Uh huh.’

Adrian and Hugo were seated on either side of her on the wobbly iron bench, holding her down as if she were a flight risk. They made a great team and were arguably one of the most handsome couples in the world. It would be a shame if they couldn’t work things out. This was probably the most time they’d spent together in days. Focusing on someone else’s relationship woes was likely therapeutic. In a way, she was glad to be of service.

‘The look Roman gave her,’ Hugo said. ‘Did you catch it, babe?’

Adrian frowned. ‘I felt bad for her. She’s desperate to hold on to what she had. I can relate.’

Hugo could not relate. ‘She was wrong to show up like this.’

‘Right or wrong, does it matter?’

‘It matters.’

‘People act on impulse. They make mistakes.’

The conversation had taken a slight turn. It was probably a good idea to step away and let the couple talk privately. She wanted nothing more than to sneak back to her bungalow, fall asleep and wake up back home in England.

‘Like the time you hired a real estate agent behind my back?’ Hugo said. ‘I don’t think so. Not everything is a mistake, my love. Some actions are deliberate and intentional.’

Oh dear… Samantha massaged her rigid neck. Things were about to get ugly.

‘I’m sorry!’ Adrian cried. ‘How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?’

‘What are you talking about? You never once apologized.’

‘Well, I am now.’

Samantha let out a sigh. If she had to endure this, she might as well intervene. ‘Adrian, your apology lacks substance. Hugo obviously feels betrayed. You have to address that.’

‘Ha!’ Hugo spat. ‘Sam thinks you lack substance.’

‘Not you, Adrian,’ she corrected. ‘Just your apology.’

‘I’m sorry I went behind your back to list our home. I didn’t realize how much you loved the place.’

‘Yes, you did,’ Hugo said. ‘That’s why you went behind my back. You knew how I’d react.’

‘I thought you’d come around. I could make you fall in love with the house I had my eye on.’

Hugo wasn’t swayed. ‘You can’t make me do anything.’

‘I know that now.’


Samantha cried foul. ‘Hold on! He apologized. Now it’s your turn.’

‘I’ve nothing to apologize for.’