Page 100 of Until I Met You

Chapter Twenty-Nine

‘Sorry about the mix-up, folks!’ Anthony spoke over the rising murmurs of confusion. ‘I was caught off guard. Everyone, my college buddy Tara Evans is here. We weren’t expecting her. What a surprise!’

He pushed out a dry, choppy laugh that didn’t help the situation. Everyone, including the catering staff, swivelled around to stare at the woman hovering awkwardly outside the ballroom doors. Anthony’s ‘college buddy’ was a beauty. Short and curvy, she had a creamy almond complexion and long glossy black hair. Smiling broadly, she stepped forward, brought her hands to prayer and bowed slightly. ‘I come in peace, and bear gifts from the airport duty-free shop.’

Anthony threw his hands up. ‘Who could ask for more?’

The quirky exchange worked to release only some tension in the room. All eyes were on Naomi now, gauging her reaction.

Most people left behind the friendships forged at uni after a couple of years or so, but not Anthony. His mates trailed him everywhere. Which was a testament to him, really. Still, Samantha had never heard of Tara Evans. Naomi had never mentioned her. Where did she come from? What fresh batch of drama was this?

Naomi remained calm and composed even under intense scrutiny. Anthony didn’t call her his rock for nothing. In an award-winning show of solidarity, she broke into a smile and extended a warm T&T welcome to this last-minute guest. ‘Tara, don’t just stand there! Come in! We’re thrilled you made it! Someone find her a seat.’

The wedding planner took over, ushering the newcomer to the one table with available seats. Tara made a beeline to the seat that Samantha had mentally reserved for herself, the one next to Roman.

He rose to greet her. She gave him a warm embrace. Evidently Anthony’s college buddy was Roman’s, too.

A distant conversation with Roman bobbed to the surface of her mind.

I had a date.

Where is she?

Thought we weren’t talking about our exes.

‘More champagne, miss?’

The server appointed to their table had done a great job keeping their glasses full and generally being helpful. Only now he was in the way, blocking her view of Roman’s table. It was a blessing in disguise. Samantha was in free fall and didn’t want anyone to see when she hit the ground.

Once the dinner plates were cleared away, Naomi rose from her overstuffed seat and addressed them. ‘Ladies, one last photo before the party gets going.’

Maya chucked aside her napkin. ‘For the love of God, set us free!’

‘It won’t take long,’ Naomi promised. ‘I have to get back in time for the first dance.’

‘You heard the bride.’ Jen pushed back her chair. ‘Let’s do this.’

Samantha could think of a thousand things she’d prefer to do than be photographed. But Jasmine was tugging at her arm. What would she even say? Sorry, can’t stand still and smile right now, I have the sudden urge to rip a man’s head off?

Roman had not looked her way once since Tara Evans had made her grand entrance. She commanded his attention; not in a good way, she could see that. The tension between them was thick. But what difference did it make? She could have stood to give a speech of her own and he wouldn’t have noticed. She wasn’t jealous. She just wished that stabbing sensation in her gut would stop so she could breathe.

Naomi led them to a small adjoining balcony. The photographer trailed after them, but didn’t get far. Jen shut the glass door in his face and stood guard. Jasmine eased Samantha onto a wrought-iron banquette and the others gathered around. This was how she became the subject of an intervention for the second time in one month.

‘Sam,’ Naomi began. ‘There’s something you should know.’

She closed her eyes. There was nothing Naomi could tell her that she didn’t already know. It was all painfully obvious.

Naomi snapped her fingers to get her attention. ‘Are you listening?’

‘Save your breath. I’ve figured it out. Tara was Roman’s date, right?’

Naomi gave her a pitying look. ‘Oh, Sammy. It’s way more complicated than that.’

She stiffened. ‘How so?’

‘Well, it’s a long story.’

‘For heaven’s sake!’ Maya cried. ‘Give it to her straight. She can handle it. It’s not like she’s in love with the man. She’s only known him a week. Isn’t that right, Sammy?’