My dorm room bed wasn’t very big, and if the Dean found out Ham was in here, there’d be all hell to pay, but I just couldn’t find it in me to give a fuck.

He and Romeo showed up not long after us a few days ago, and the both of them were meant to be staying in a hotel room a few blocks from campus, but I’d had to come in for class, and he’d followed along. He was heading back to Athens tomorrow, and neither of us were really sure on how things were going to work from here.

I loved the club.

But I also loved it here.

It gave me freedom and independence that I hadn’t ever had.

But it was also a six-hour flight away from Ham.

“Stop frowning will you,” he teased, using his thumb to rub the knot in between my eyes. “We’ll figure it out. We have time, okay? It’s not like I’m leaving forever. Like sayonara, don’t call me, I’ll call you.”

I rolled over into his body, bracing my chin on his chest. “I know. I just want to find a solution that doesn’t involve one of us flying every other weekend. I’ve got school. You’ve got club business.”

He grabbed the sides of my face. “Calm the fuck down.”

I slapped at his chest, and he laughed, the sound slightly warm and comforting, slightly annoying.

“Look, I got a couple things I want to talk to Op about that might get me down here more often. And with Romeo moving back to Vegas, and Phee in Cali, it would be nice to be closer to the West Coast sometimes.”

“You’re not gonna make the club angry, are you?”

He rolled his eyes. “You ever known the club to get angry for a man fighting to make things work with his Old Lady?”

Before I could answer, the door behind me creaked open, and Dakota walked in with her hand covering her eyes. “I’m not looking,” she called, standing beside the door.

I giggled but didn’t move.

Dakota had almost returned to her normal self, but there had still been a couple times over the past few days where I’d seen a fear in her eyes that I knew wasn’t there before. I felt responsible, but she kept trying to tell me it wasn’t my fault.

I felt like it was.

“You can look, weirdo,” I responded, sitting and throwing my legs over the edge of the bed.

She opened her fingers a crack, looking around before taking her hand away completely. “Oh, good, ‘cause grumpy McMotorcycle Man is waiting out front. I was gonna bring him in, but I wasn’t sure whether we were on friendly terms or whether we were still having daddy issues.”

I looked over my shoulder at Ham with wide eyes.

Huntsman was here?

Ham didn’t look surprised which instantly turned my shock to suspicion.

“What did you do?”

He started to laugh and shake his head. “What makes you—”

“What did you do?” I asked again, cutting him off. “Don’t try and tell me that my stubborn fucking Navy SEAL father, who could probably survive fifty-seven forms of torture, suddenly just felt a little bad and decided to drive six hours to Tucson to talk to me about it.”

Dakota didn’t miss a beat, cackling with laughter as she tossed her backpack onto her bed and walked over to her drawers to get her work uniform. “She’s got you there, Roast Beef.”

I rolled my eyes and leaped down off the bed. Dakota had taken to calling Ham a series of different lunch meats because she finds his name so amusing. Not even giving it up when she learned what his full name was or why he was called Hamlet.

“Luckily, no one asked for your opinion, Delaware,” Ham teased as he climbed off the bed and lifted me down to my feet.

Dakota narrowed her eyes at him. “You used the name of a small state on purpose, didn’t you?”

He gasped dramatically and put his hand over his heart. “I would never do that to you, Rhode Island.” Ham was fighting really hard not to burst out laughing, but Dakota looked like she was about to go all kinds of Kung Fu on his ass.