I looked over in time to seeAsshole Twowith a needle, pressing it into Dakota’s neck, her already weak body going completely limp and unresponsive. “Dakota,” I screamed, launching forward butAsshole Onereached for me, his hand grabbing my wrists and twisting my body, forcing my arm up my back and my face against the wall. He didn’t stop, though. No, he wanted to hurt me back. He kept pushing, further and further to the point where I was scared my arm would snap. I could feel the bones being pushed to their max, the snapping was only seconds away.

“Let her go,” a calm voice ordered, followed by a loud click.

I knew the voice.

It reminded me of home.

Which is where I wish I were right now.

At home, in Athens, where I always knew there was someone close by and where I felt safe.

I almost cried in relief as I was released, my body wanting to crumble into a pile on the flood, but instead, I dove toward Dakota, crawling across the dirty hallway floor to her limp and unmoving body. My fingers reached for her throat, and I didn’t even care that I had blood all up my arms, a voice in my head repeating over and over.

Please be okay.

Please be okay.

Please be okay.

The steady thump of a pulse brought tears to my eyes. They burned like acid, but I didn’t care. I let them fall, grabbing my friend’s face in my hand and gently slapping her cheek. “Dakota, wake up,” I whispered. “Please wake up,” I pleaded through tears.

“Meyah, we need to go,” Levi ordered sternly.

A hand rested on my shoulder. “Baby girl, let me get her. We’ll get you girls out of here, and I promise I’ll make sure she’s okay.” Skins squeezed my arm, gently pulling me back and moving me toward Levi who wrapped his arm around me.

“You don’t know who you’re fucking with,”Asshole Onespat, pinching his nose now and holding his head back. Not exactly the threatening pose of a henchman. I wanted to punch him again, I wanted to kick him in the fucking balls, so he could never reproduce and ruin a child’s life by being their father, but Levi kept hold of me not allowing me to escape.

“If I don’t get you out of here, Ham will have my ass. So play nice, Meyah,” he murmured under his breath.

My chest filled with air. “He’s here?”

Skins scooped Dakota up off the ground and cradled her against his body. “Let’s get the fuck outta here.”

Asshole Twolaughed. “You’ll never get out through the club. The minute I ring through there will be fifty guards coming down on your ass.”

Skins looked at Levi and then moved his gaze to me. “Meyah, close your eyes.”

I didn’t question, I just did.

“Hey, now!”

“No. Don—”



The thud of two bodies hit the hard, wooden floors with a deafening crack that I knew for a fact could only come from a skull. I gagged and turned my face into Levi’s shoulder. “Meyah, we gotta go. Now.”

“We can’t risk going out the back, we’re gonna have to go through the front door,” Skins argued, but I was finding it hard to breathe at that moment. My body was frozen, I couldn’t move let alone run. “Meyah, Ham is waiting back at the hotel. We can get you to him, you just need to help us outta here, baby girl.”

Ham was close by.

My man. My home. My safety net.

I took a deep breath, my body still shaking but more determined now just to get to him. “We can act like she’s had too much to drink,” I rambled, grabbing Levi’s black T-shirt and rubbing as much blood off my arms as possible before trying to straighten my hair. “Come on, we need to go before someone comes and finds these guys.”

We made a run toward the loud thumping music. Levi held my hand, keeping me steady on these heels Dakota had convinced me made my legs look a million miles long.