My stomach was screaming at me to lay the hell down. I knew I was bleeding well through the bandage and could feel the stupid gown sticking to my side. But I continued to swallow every moan that came from her mouth, her hands clinging to my neck like I was her lifeline.

I trailed my lips along her jaw, tugging her head to the side, so I had unobstructed access to her neck.

“Stop,” she protested breathlessly, but her body screamed something completely different.

Moving down her throat, I delighted in the way she swallowed nervously at my touch and fought the urge to push her to her knees, wondering how it would feel if she swallowed like that with my cock down her throat.

“Damn it,” I cursed when she pushed her body forward, her hips with a mind of their own, pressing into mine.

The problem being, she was pressed directly against my open wound.

“Fuck!” I moved my hands, placing them on her hips and gently pushing her back.

She gasped, releasing me instantly, her hands covering her mouth. “Oh my God,” she whispered, looking down at her shirt and noticing the blood had transferred to her top. “Oh, shit.”

“Hello,” an overly happy nurse called from the doorway as she wheeled in the things she would need to stitch me up. “Oh dear, you need to lay down.”

Meyah slowly began to back away. I gritted my teeth, wanting to follow her, but knowing it wouldn’t do either of us any good right now.

“I need to get home before they send out a search party,” she said before running her tongue across her lips and ducking out the door.

The nurse watched on as I continued to glare at the doorway long after Meyah had disappeared.

This wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d imagined.

I knew it wasn’t going to be all sunshine and rainbows. That it wasn’t just going to be a case of apologize, make up, everything be okay. But I’d also been too naive about everything.

I’d done more damage than I ever wanted to. Caused more pain and problems than needed because I was an idiot and a selfish, fucking asshole who was scared of letting his Old Lady see him broken, and who didn’t trust his family to do their part to protect her when I couldn’t.

I’d tried to keep that part from her, but Leo had been right all along.

An Old Lady will see you at your worst, at your fucking breaking point, and she will stand beside you anyway. She will help you stand. She will fight for you if she needs to.

But I never gave Meyah that chance.

I was going to have to fight for her.

And I wouldn’t give up until I won.