“You’re gonna fall asleep while you’re riding, and then where will we fucking be?” Blizzard warned as he climbed on his bike.

“Does this face look like it gives a shit?”

He reached for his key taking a deep breath before he turned it. “No. Your face looks fucking destroyed, and the bags under your eyes don’t scream fucking princess, they scream walking dead. You think Leo’s gonna be impressed when you try to get you and the girl home and end up in a fucking ditch?”

Blizzard took this shit seriously. He made sure brothers never rode while they were impaired, and he enforced that shit heavily. Not a lot of people understand just how dangerous motorcycles can be. That’s something I think a lot of us take for granted every day—the fact we have nothing around us to protect us. If we come off, whether we survive is between us, the road, and fucking God.

“We’ll call someone to come get us,” I huffed, knowing he wasn’t going to let me go unless I swore to be safe.

I wanted to go with them. Not happy to just leave him and Dice to deal with this shit on their own. Office Douche Canoe may not have said the words, but he wasn’t there as like a casual ‘torment the local bikers’ traffic stop.

There was something going on.

I could fucking feel it.

But I’d made a promise to Meyah. One I was already fucking late for and felt like a total fucking asshole. So that came first.

I could trust my brothers to get the information they needed, that went without question.

Blizzard eyed me carefully. “Fine. We’ll ride to the school with you and head off from there, but you wreck before that, and I’m leaving you on the side of the road to bleed out and think about how right I was.”