I can’t say that the desert was exactly my idea of a place I wanted to be locked up in or even spend any more of my time than I needed to. While there were sporadic bursts of little green bushes every few feet that, literally, wasallthere was. It gave me the fucking creeps.

We waited patiently outside the prison gates. The guys in the guard tower up to our left making jokes about how easily they could pick off each of us from there, talking like we couldn’t fucking hear them. It was the comment they made about Phee which had me almost losing my shit.

Blizzard grabbed me.

While Phee had just enough herself, she walked closer to the tower. “Hey you!” she called up to the guy who’d been ogling her for the past thirty minutes.

He smirked at his buddy and pushed his rifle behind him as he leaned over the railing. “Hey there, beautiful. What you doing with this lot? You wanna escape?”

“What I really want…” she called, twisting her hair around her finger like she was flirting. It turned out my sister had no idea how to flirt, she fucking sucked at it. But it was still amusing to watch. “I want you to come down here, so I can stick my massive cock so far up your ass it will tickle your tonsils.”

I snorted, the brothers surrounding me trying to conceal their laughter.

“I got seconds,” Dice yelled, grabbing his cock.

“Crazy bitch,” the guard spat. “You’re lucky I don’t send someone down to arrest you.”

Phee raised her middle finger in the air and bought it to her mouth, licking the length of it in a way that made me cringe but had every one of my brothers’ cocks standing at attention. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Put that shit away.”

We all looked up seeing my brother walking out of the large building, a backpack over his shoulder, dressed in dark wash jeans and a collared shirt with a leather jacket over the top. He must have been melting given that we were out here in thin T-shirts without our club cuts and already feeling like we were going to die of heat stroke.

We’d decided to leave our colors off while we were here. We’d had to move too fast and didn’t have time to get in touch with a couple of the local MC to let them know we’d be coming through. The last thing we wanted was to upset anyone, so as a show of respect, we’d just left them off.

Phee screamed and ran straight at Romeo who dropped his bag in the dirt and lifted her up off the ground, crushing her against him. I couldn’t have felt any fuller at that moment—my MC family standing with me as I’m reunited with my blood—something which for a long time I thought would never happen.

The only thing that would fix this moment was if my parents were here, too. I guess in a way I knew they were. Not that I was spiritual or religious or anything like that, but I still felt like my mom and dad were sitting up there watching over us. I felt as if they had a hand in bringing us back together.

Walking forward, I felt my heartbeat rise hearing my sister giggle and laugh, my brother’s deep, gruff voice as he spoke to her quietly. He put her down on the ground, and she stepped aside looking between the two of us with her bright, beautiful smile. “Well? Can you two hug already?” she declared, throwing her hands in the air.

I stuck out my hand.

Romeo looked down at it and back at me before he reached out grasping it in his. I started to smile, and as I did, he yanked me forward and wrapped his other arm around me squeezing me tightly.

I choked on a laugh. “Christ, what the hell have you been eating the past six years?” I managed to splutter before he finally let me go, the corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk.

“It’s called dedication, little bro.” He looked me up and down. “You look too small. Haven’t you been training?”

“No,” I replied, my gut sinking. Less than five minutes, and he’d picked it.

“How long?”

“Six years.” I turned around and walked back toward my brothers. “Come on, I want you to meet my club.”

It took him a few moments, but he and Phee soon followed. Phee had already fitted well within the club. Her two friends had left town and headed back to Cali but said they’d be back soon with their girlfriends, who were apparently her close friends. Leo liked them, surprisingly, even inviting them to his wedding. I think he just found the confidence, but not the assholeness they came with, somewhat intriguing.

Guys with money tended to be a different breed.

They’d been nothing but respectful and unassuming.

That was what the club was about.

You give respect, you get respect.

“I didn’t expect such a welcome party,” Romeo noted as he came to stand beside me.

He seemed impressed. I’d come with eight brothers not willing to leave anything to chance or risk whoever it was after Romeo trying to stop us from leaving. But so far so good. We got in last night, found a place who’d rent us some bikes and an SUV for a couple of days—because everyone had a price, and the boys hated traveling in vehicles for long periods. They felt safer on motorcycles, and I didn’t blame them.