My eyes moved back to my not so little brother. Fury and guilt stared back at me.

“I didn’t sign up for this,” he finally admitted through clenched teeth. “You don’t know him like I do. This is why I shouldn’t be here because you never said nothing about fucking women and kids and… all of this.”

“Why the hell does it matter?” I challenged, shoving at his chest.

“It matters because I’ve spent too fucking long knowing that if I got something wrong, the only one who was going to suffer was me.” He sifted his fingers through the front of his hair, pushing it back from his face, and hanging his head. It was a habit I noticed the both of us did when we were stressed or agitated.

I pointed my finger at his chest. “You can walk out of here, but I’m telling you now… I refuse to lose you again. I almost lost the both of you for good today. Almost watched my family be torn to shreds once again… just when I got them back.” I shoved at his chest and grabbed both sides of his face drawing his angry gaze from the floor. My stomach leapt into my throat as I stared into his bloodshot eyes, seeing the young boy I remembered, the same one who was stolen from me six years ago. “I watched them drag you away kicking and screaming, unable to do a single thing to change what was happening. I’m not letting that asshole, or any fucking asshole for that matter, take you away again. Because I’m not fucking helpless anymore.”

He slapped my hands away backing down the corridor. “Meyah was just about killed today because of me,” he challenged, trying to fight the scratch in his voice that told me this had gotten to him. That just maybe this time I got fucking through. Maybe he was finally hearing me.

I snorted. “But she didn’t. Because of you. Dammit, Romeo, just fucking listen to what you’re saying.”

“I’m getting out of here, I’m fucking done.” He turned, stomping for the double doors.

Optimus shook his head. “My boys won’t let you leave unless it’s to take you back to the clubhouse,” he called after my brother, who stalled as he reached for the doors.

He didn’t look back over his shoulder. “So what? I’m a fucking prisoner now? Isn’t that damn ironic. Guess I should be used to it by now, given that I’ve been a prisoner for the past six years.”

“Actually, it’s for your protection and theirs. No one is to be outside the clubhouse or the hospital,” Optimus corrected, keeping his calm like the fucking professional he was. Which was saying something when he could have just knocked Romeo out, and not had to deal with his smart fucking mouth. “Don’t fight me on this, Romeo. The shit I will do to protect my family is like nothing you’ve ever seen before… that includes when I have to protect them from themselves.”

The corridor was silent for a solid few seconds.

This is why the club was a part of me.

Because when I was weak, when I was struggling, I had them to make me strong.

With those final words, Romeo shoved the double doors open and stormed out. I knew he heard me, and I knew what I’d said to him had hit home. What worried me, was how he still felt like he had to protect us all from his mistakes.

The club didn’t take bullshit, they didn’t do anything or fight for anyone who they felt didn’t deserve it. They weren’t afraid to do what they had to do for the people they cared about, even if that meant turning someone away because the baggage they carried was too much.

I released the breath I was holding just as the door down the hall opened, and Meyah stepped out. “Thanks, I feel fine. Oh, look… my family’s here.”

I could still hear the nurse in the room apologizing profusely until the door shut behind her, and she practically ran toward us, rolling her eyes. I opened my arms, and she slipped right into them, inhaling deeply.

“I hate the both of you for leaving me in there,” she murmured, her face pressed against my chest.

I buried my nose in her hair allowing her scent to calm my racing heart.

“Oh great, the welcome party has finally arrived,” a voice boomed from the end of the hall. I looked up to find Leo walking down to us, a small bundle of blue blankets in his arms with a tuft of almost black hair sticking out the top. A smile grew on my face, my body automatically moving forward meeting him halfway.

“Everyone, meet the newest member of the brothers, Creed Jamison.”