Instantly, I was pulling my cell phone from my pocket and hit Op’s number.

It rang twice.

“You get in all right?” Op asked when he answered.

I kept my eyes glued on the asshole in the car. He was doing a lot of typing on his little computer, but he wasn’t talking to anyone or calling in my details. “I’m a few miles from the town on the main road. Haven’t even made it to the fucking school, yet. Some new cop has pulled me over, put his baton through my tail light,” I told him simply and shortly.

“Fuck,” Op curses. “I’ll send Blizz. Don’t lose your shit before he gets there.”

I tapped my foot on the asphalt as I waited for fuckface to do his shit, and it was probably less than four minutes before I heard the roar of two motorcycles coming down the road.

The officer’s ears perked up, too, and for the first time, I caught a frown crease his brow.


Blizzard and Dice slowed down and pulled their bikes to a stop on the opposite side of the road switching them off and hurrying across to me. There was no doubt I could handle my own shit but having my brothers at my back made me feel a little more relaxed, but not any less fucking annoyed.

“You should have got Levi to ride with you,” Blizzard scolded as he stepped around my bike, examining the broken tail light and the glass which was scattered on the ground. Levi had turned off at the clubhouse like I’d told him to, not seeing the point in making him ride all the way to Athens with me. I was embarrassed enough he’d seen me dressed like this.

Blizzard slipped his phone from his pocket and turned his back to the police car. He took several photos of the evidence, something I hadn’t thought of, making me feel even more thankful for having them there.

Blizzard knew his shit.

He knew his rights—as a member of the club, it was a good idea to read up on them. Many members of law enforcement didn’t believe we had any because we were criminals, and they would try to get away with anything to get us locked up.

“Nice suit,” Dice prodded with a grin, standing off to the side with his arms folded across his chest.

I held up my middle finger, too tired to deal with his smart fucking mouth.

When a door slammed shut, both Blizzard and Dice moved around to stand beside me as Officer Fuckhead approached. He didn’t speak as he held out my shit along with two tickets.

I scanned them.

One for the broken tail light and the other…

“Driving too slow? Are you fucking with me?” I snapped, slapping the ticket against my hand.

Blizzard pressed his hand against my chest when I stepped forward.

Officer Twatnose reached for his gun, and it felt fucking good to know that Mr. No Emotions could actually sense and feel fear.

“I can’t say I’ve seen you around here,” Blizzard remarked, putting himself in front of me. Blizzard was an intimidating guy when he needed to be. Especially, when he felt like his family was being threatened. He stood at least four inches taller than the officer and was a lot broader, and with the lights of the police car casting dark shadows across his face, I was surprised not to see some pee trickle down the asshole’s leg. “You new in town,sir?”

Officer Shithead huffed and turned away. “Mind your own business,” he retorted as he strolled back to his police car like he didn’t have a care in the world.

“This isourtown. So I consider itourbusiness,” Blizzard hollered as the guy went to climb into his cruiser. The warning was there, and it was clear as fucking day. He’d started something the club would have no problem finishing if that were how it had to be. We didn’t go out of our way to fuck with the police or piss them off. The club kept the surrounding towns and cities reasonably safe keeping small time gangs and their toxic drugs out of the streets.

This guy, though, he had a fucking thorn in his ass, and he was looking for someone to take it out on.

He paused, looking back at the three of us, back to that blank, emotionless face that honestly gave me the creeps. “We’ll see.”

The three of us stood in silence as he started his car and pulled away whipping the car in a U-turn back the other direction.

“Who the fuck was that?” Dice asked with a frown as we watched the car disappear toward Athens.

I could tell Blizzard was agitated, his fists clenched at his sides. “I think we need to go and visit our friend, Deacon,” he declared, rolling his shoulders back. “I think you should go to the clubhouse, get some rest.”

“Hell no,” I snorted, shaking my head and following Blizzard as he headed for his bike. “Has no one told you I’m late for a fucking ball?”