Wrapping my fingers around the papers, I nodded. “Thanks for all the effort you’ve put in to find them.”

“It’s what we do,” he replied simply.

“You know you have family here.” I looked up and saw Leo walking toward me from the patio. “I know it’s not the same, but I got a brother, too, out there, and I fucking worry about him every day. You have us, too. You’re not going at life alone.”

“Wow, that was really fucking sentimental,” Wrench cracked, patting Leo on the back with a teasing grin as he rounded to my side of the bar.

I leaned against the bar and sipped at my bottle of water while Leo went straight for the strong shit pulling a bottle of whiskey from the top shelf. “Uh…” I murmured with a frown. “Stressful morning?”

He poured half a glass before putting the cap back on and slipping it back on the shelf, probably hoping Optimus—whose expensive fucking whiskey it is—wouldn’t notice.

“It started when he found out Meyah had punched a boy in the face,” Hadley chuckled as she shuffled over to us. Her words made my entire body freeze. “And then he realized he has a daughter who already has twice the sass as Meyah… he’s not prepared for the number of principal visits and douche-bag teenage boys which are in his future.”

Hadley seemed to be thoroughly amused, but I was stuck on the first words she said. “Meyah fucking punched someone?” I repeated, looking to Leo as he took a long drink of the whiskey and not even flinching at the harsh taste.

“That happens when prepubescent boys grab a girl’s ass,” Hadley snorted, attempting to hoist herself onto one of the barstools with Wrench finally offering her a hand after a couple of seconds amused with her struggle. Even though Hadley was popping at the seams pregnant, she still hated asking for help and tried to do everything on her own. She huffed like a brat as she took Wrench’s help. “There’s only so much shit a girl can handle before she stands up for herself,” she finally added, slightly out of breath.

“That little Nick assho—” Leo hadn’t even finished his sentence, and I was already storming out from behind the bar on a fucking mission to do something I should have done a long fucking time ago.

The only color I was seeing was red.

I heard Hadley laugh as I stomped toward the front door and my bike, her voice breezing out the doors after me. “What did I tell you?”

Enough was enough.

The thought of his hands on her made me want to take my gun with me, but I restrained myself. I had fucking plans after this and getting myself arrested wasn’t a part of them.

First, make sure Nick knows where he stands. Then go and make sure Meyah was okay.

He touched her, and she wasn’t his to touch.

She wasn’t mine either…

But she soon would be.