“That’s great,” she said enthusiastically, but when I didn’t mirror the excitement, her face fell. “Isn’t it?”

I cleared my throat, the emotion choking me up. This wasn’t meant to be about me, and I hadn’t prepared myself for this talk. Sharing this part of me was something I’d managed to avoid for a long time because it fucking sucked. “I know my little brother well enough to know it’ll be hard to get him to trust me again. But he’s my brother, and I’ll fight ‘til forever in hopes that he does. Phee already made it pretty clear where she stood four years ago when I finally found the group home she was in. She appeared at the door, and she told the attendees I was a stranger, and she didn’t know who I was.”

There was very little emotion in my voice as I recalled my sister staring at me blankly as if she had no idea who I was. It fucking hurt because it was bullshit.

“You think she’ll turn you away again?” At least I didn’t have to say the words, but honestly, it didn’t make them hurt any less. “You don’t really believe that do you?”

Meyah sat up tall looking at me with a world of determination on her face which told me there was no doubt in her mind that those kinds of thoughts I was having were all wrong. I had to smile. While I’d seen Meyah grow and mature and become a young woman who saw the world for what it was, there was still an innocence in her eyes, one I hoped she never lost. It gave her this unguarded passion and spirit.

“I’m scared if I go looking, I’ll find someone who doesn’t want anything to fucking do with me. Despite the fact that I’ve imagined having them back in my life since they left,” I told her, my voice quiet and unsure. “Rejection is a fucking bitch.”

I was still having my doubts whether either of them would accept me back with open arms, even with the time I’d spent with Romeo yesterday and the way he’d opened up about what he’d been forced to live through the past few years.

Meyah slipped forward, her naked breasts pressed against my chest, her pussy pressed against my growing cock. I was already finding it hard to concentrate, but now it was just fucking torture.

“You’re being an idiot,” she stated, surprising me.

I looked up into her eyes and raised my eyebrows. “Oh, really, how?”

Her fingers dragged my hair back from my face, and she pressed her forehead to mine while her nails massaged at the back of my skull.

This fucking woman, holy shit.

“You’ve dreamed of having them back in your life for so long. It’s what will make you feel complete again.” Her eyes drifted to my tattoos. This young girl could already see I was trying to fill the space that’s missing with my siblings gone from my life, and trying to make it feel like they’re there, without them actually being there.

“Why the hell would you not go after that? Wouldn’t anything be worth the chance to have them with you again, even if it meant facing your fears?”

I couldn’t help but grin and grab her face with both my hands pulling her lips against mine.

She fucking got it, and suddenly, I was wondering why the hell I’d waited so long to let her in. She ground down against me, and in one swift move, I grabbed her wrists and rolled to the side falling on top of her and pinning her hands above her head while our mouths continued fighting and dueling. She hooked her legs behind me as I pulled back, grinning as I held her captive and nuzzled her neck with my nose.

“You know that saying about taking your own advice?” I asked smugly, sneaking a peek at her face and chuckling when understanding crossed her features.

She groaned. “I’m gonna have to go talk to my mom, aren’t I?”

“I’ll take the info Wrench gave me and go after Phee… if you go and see your mom,” I bargained, feeling sick the instant I said the words, but willing to hurt myself if it means she’ll get the answers she needed.

And Leo would get the answers he needed.

I blocked the last thought out.

“Okay,” she whispered, surprising me a little.


Her head bobbed nervously. “Okay. I’ll go see her tomorrow,” she whispered. She ground her hips down against my growing cock. “But I have something else I need to ask you.”

I released her hands and grabbed her hips digging in my fingers to try and control her movements, but she wasn’t having any of it. She was determined to wind me up and drive me fucking nuts as she continued to tease me with her wet folds.

“What’s that?” I groaned. Moving one of my hands forward, I slipped it over the light brush of hair and through her silky lips until I found that perfect hole which had driven me so fucking crazy earlier. One dip of my finger, and suddenly, she was singing a different tune, her teasing laughter soon transformed into a deep pleasure filled moan, and she pressed her hips down on my finger seeking more.

She hummed softly, her body wiggling beneath me. “Come to my senior prom with me this weekend,” she whispered as she writhed underneath me.

Dressing up in a suit and going to some teenage fucking dance was the last thing I wanted to do. It’d been a long time since I was in high school, and the memories of my senior year were not exactly fucking pleasant—the exact opposite actually.

“Please,” she pleaded. “I didn’t even want to go, but I do now. I don’t want to hide. You give me strength.”

She was trying to be brave, show the kids at school this new power she’d discovered inside her, and I couldn’t help but find myself agreeing. Knowing how much it meant to her to prove to all these people who’d spent years watching from the sidelines as she was picked on by a fucking little asshole, and to show them just how much it hadn’t broken her down.

How could I not stand by her side and watch in pride as she throws that huge fuck you?

I growled deep in my throat. “Okay.”

“Promise?” she asked excitedly.


All these promises were about to make the next few days fucking interesting.

Lord help me.