My breasts were my downfall. If he weren’t touching them, I’d be touching them. I don’t know what it was about my nipples, but Lord help me when he sucked one into his mouth, I almost climbed him like a damn tree urgently wanting him in me.

Holy crap.

I was that easy.

He took advantage of the situation and lifted me off the ground before lying my body back on the bed and bracing his body over mine. When his belt buckle brushed across my wet pussy, I wanted to scream at him, but all I could do was curse. “Shit. Shit. Shit,” I hissed, much to his amusement.

He tucked his face into my neck, pressing gentle kisses down over my shoulder and back up. “There’s still time to—”

“Shut up,” I snapped. “Please just take off your jeans, Ham. Please.”

He pulled back and smirked. “I got a couple of things to do first.” Then he was gone, a sexy trail of kisses leading down my neck and over the curve of my chest, then my stomach. The closer he got, the more I wiggled in anticipation. I could feel his breath on it, my pussy already soaked and waiting, ready to wrap my damn legs around his head and just…

“Oh. My. God.” With each word, I swear I felt electric blots fly through me. The tip of his tongue teasing my clit with one flick after another because he just swiped it right through, forcing me to gasp and lift my hips up off the bed.

“Just as fucking good as I imagined. Better actually,” he muttered to himself, wrapping his arms around my thighs and holding me right where he wanted me. His mouth sucking and licking driving me so mad I already knew the back of my hair was going to be matted from tossing and turning.

I couldn’t breathe.

“That feel good?” he asked, making me open my eyes. I looked down at him, my mouth hanging open as I tried to breathe. My throat was dry, and I had to swallow several times before I managed to answer.

“Feels so good,” I whispered knowing he might not even be able to hear me.

“Then you need to tell me,” he demanded. “You feel good… I want to hear it, Meyah.”

“I can’t—”

He swiped his tongue through my pussy again, and this time he pulled my clit into his mouth, sucking gently. My body started to shake.


He wouldn’t give up. I felt like I was going to explode, but he continued to suck relentlessly like he was punishing me for arguing with him. But God, did this punishment feel like a reward. The tingle started at my pussy and spread so quickly electrifying my senses and making every little hair stand on end. I felt like I’d lost control. My heart was beating too fast. Gasping in surprise as wave after wave rolled over me, each one more powerful than the last and leaving me craving the next.

“Good girl,” he praised as he pulled away, standing to his feet at the end of the bed and looking down at me. “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever fucking seen.” His eyes roamed my body, alight and needy as he finally reached for his jeans. One pull of the buckle and a pop of a button, and they were dropping to the floor before being kicked to the side with a sharp clang.

I was still finding it hard to breathe, my body sweating and reeling, but the moment I saw what he’d been hiding in his pants, my eyes grew wide, and my heart rate, which was beginning to slow, picked right back up.

He held it in his hand stroking it slowly up and down.

“Scoot over.”

I frowned, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth but shuffled to the side. My eyes didn’t move from it even as he lay down beside me and slipped on the condom that he’d just magicked up out of nowhere.

“Always prepared?” I teased, rolling onto my side to face him.

I tried not to think about how much more experienced Ham was than me. It was probably easier with high school boys knowing for the most part you’re either their first or at least top five. Ham had six years on me—not including what he probably got up to at high school.

Did I want to think about how many girls—no not girls, more likely women—he’d been within that time?

“Stop,” he demanded, reaching out and cupping my jaw in his hand. The jaw I hadn’t realized I’d been clenching so hard that my teeth now ached. “Stop thinking, just feel. It’s just us. We’re here. Nobody else should be in that pretty head except for me.”

He leaned in, capturing my lips, swallowing every little semblance of self doubt as he caressed my lips with his tongue before slipping it into my mouth.

I got lost in him.

His touch.

His smell.