Meyah was stronger than even she knew. But I was starting to understand why she was the way she was, and why it had taken her this long to stand up and say fuck you to the people who’d done her wrong. She had a mother who refused to let her learn from her mistakes or even fucking make them.

“Ham…” Meyah called over the engine, drawing me from the trance I seemed to have fallen into, “… my phone.”

I quickly pulled her up to a sitting position and helped her climb off the bike as she fought to get her cell phone out of her back pocket. She jogged away from the bike, answering, as I switched my bike off.

“Hey, Mom,” she said hurriedly before pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth, obviously nervous. “What? No…” Her nose crinkled, and her shoulders slumped. “Yeah, okay. I’ll meet you there in an hour… okay… bye.”

The sexy, sassy, and confident Meyah was once again stolen away, and her shoulders slumped as she walked back toward me.

“Mom not happy about something?” I asked.

She huffed out a humorless laugh. “So I guess one of her workers recognized me on the back of your bike as we were leaving town,” she explained, as she shoved her cell roughly back into her pocket and reached for the helmet behind me. “She wants to pick me up at the clubhouse in an hour when she finishes work.”

I was disappointed, but I could tell that even though Meyah had issues with her mom, that she loved and respected her a lot. That and the fact she was my brother’s sister-in-law meant I needed to keep my mouth shut for now, and just let her know that I was there for her if she needed me.

I held out my hand, and she placed her hand in mine. I gave it a gentle squeeze, and she forced a smile before setting her foot on the peg and throwing her leg over behind me. “Guess we better go and warn Leo that there’s probably a lecture coming.”

She groaned. “Do you think we could just turn around and ride in the other direction until we get to Canada or something?”

I laughed and patted her thigh with my hand. “Gotta face the music.”

“This song sucks.”