I pulled the blanket up over my sister as she snuggled down into bed. She was sleeping in what used to be Blizzard’s room, but it had been vacant since Blizzard and Rose moved into their own place a few minutes down the road. It meant she was just a few doors down, and I made sure she knew which one was Eagle’s in case something happened during the night.

She seemed pretty happy to be at the clubhouse though, I think she was warming to the brothers and starting to understand that they weren’t out to hurt her, but instead were the ones who were trying to keep her safe.

“I love you,” I whispered, brushing her hair back from her face, her eyelids dipping a little from exhaustion.

“I love you more,” she murmured back with a smile.

Leaving her to sleep, I tiptoed out of the room and back down the hall, eager to find Eagle and spend the night in his arms. It was corny, I knew it was, but honestly, I just couldn’t find it in me to care.

As I took the last step, my foot didn’t even hit the floor before I was swept up into two strong arms and carried back up the way I’d come. There were wolf whistles and hoots coming from the room downstairs making me giggle as Eagle hefted me over his shoulder, and I was left to just hang while he stomped toward his room.

It wasn’t even worth trying to fight it, so I just bounced along, rolling my eyes dramatically and muttering to myself. “Why do they always throw women over their shoulders? They can’t carry them gently? They always have to go down the damn caveman route?” I complained to myself as Eagle opened his bedroom door, slamming it shut before he bent forward and flopped me onto my back on the bed.

“Anyone ever tell you, you complain a lot?” he asked, looking down at me with his eyebrow raised, but a clearly amused smirk on his face.

I folded my arms across my chest, refusing to lift my head up and look at him as he stood at the foot of the bed. “Are you complaining about me complaining? That’s a little ironic,” I shot back, trying not to be smug but mentally tacking that up as a win to me.

When he didn’t respond, I shifted nervously, wondering whether he’d suddenly decided that he’d had enough of my smart mouth, and was going to boot me back out the door again. I could hear him moving, but I was still afraid to look, choosing instead to focus on the ceiling and the strange marks that were on it.

I wonder how long they’d—

“Come here,” Eagle’s gruff voice demanded in a no bullshit tone.

My back straightened and I chewed on my lip as I slowly sat up, searching for him but at the same time trying to avoid eye contact.

He was sitting in the large armchair which was in the corner of the room, usually covered in clothing or towels or just anything that didn’t really have a place or that he hadn’t been bothered putting away. All that said, junk was now on the floor beside the chair, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

He held his face straight, but I could see the fire in his eyes, and there was no missing the way his jeans were straining, the bulge in them enough to already have my pussy tingling in anticipation. Eagle crooked his finger at me, and I slowly followed the instruction, slipping off the end of the bed and onto my feet. I was excited and nervous at the same time, trying to judge his demeanor as I slowly moved closer, one step after the other.

“Nice to see you finally cleaned off your chair,” I commented, unable to hold my tongue since I’d been giving him shit about this chair for a week or more.

Eagle made me laugh, he made me want to push his buttons and say stupid shit until he smiled, because his smile made me feel warm, it made me feel like it was there for me. But the way he was looking at me right now, it made me feel warm too, but for a whole different reason.

My body burned with need as he continued to stare at me, his eyes dark and menacing but in the sexiest way possible. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I knew that this man would never lay a finger on me in any other way than to cause pleasure, but I was beginning to think that maybe in order to get that pleasure tonight, I was in for a little bit of pain.

When I was finally within reach, his hand flew out, and he grabbed hold of my wrist, pulling me forward, so I was standing between his spread knees. “Turn around, touch the floor,” he ordered, and I saw the flicker of a smirk pull at the corner of his mouth.

“Excuse me?” I asked, my brow pulling together.

He reached for the button on my jeans and flicked it open. Then he dragged down the zipper, and with one swift movement, he tugged them down my thighs. I was standing there staring at him as if he was a little crazy, his face just inches from my pussy. Which was now only covered by a lacy thong.

“Turn around, touch the floor,” he repeated, and this time the smirk was fully evident. “I keep telling you that one of these days that smart mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble, tonight it has.”

Holy shit.

If my thong wasn’t already drenched, it was going to be now. My clit began to throb with need as I slowly shuffled my feet, turning so I was facing away from him.

“Touch the floor,” he growled, obviously just as affected by this as I was.

I bent over, placing my hands on the floor and silently thanking my yoga instructor.

A loud slap filled the room, and the sting that followed had me cursing the man behind me. “Damn it, Eagle!”

He chuckled, but it was followed by another sharp slap to the opposite ass cheek, this time almost making me fall flat on my face. There was a fine line between what felt good and what was just fucking painful, and he was riding it like a professional because I didn’t know whether to turn around and scream at him or grind my ass back into his face.

The decision was made for me, he took both cheeks in his hands and gently brushed his thumb across the tender skin before pressing several feather light kisses to the area. I hummed happily at the attention, enjoying the soft touch that I knew he was capable of, and that I often craved.

Eagle had proved to me time and time again that there was more to him than people saw, with a gentleness that I hadn’t expected. There was this stigma about these guys—they didn’t do romance, they didn’t do sweet words. When you were with a brother, you expected things to be hard and rough with a slur of dirty talk that would make any woman’s panties melt off instantly. And while you often got just that, I was now appreciating the connection that we had, and the way I was able to see a part of him that I’m sure many others didn’t get to experience.