Everything had fallen into place, I knew now why he’d thrown so many sharp jabs at Sky. The woman he fell for was not only working for the enemy, but she was his lover. And Jake had risked his job, his life and the life of his team members because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and he started to fall in love with her.

“It was my fucking fault. I vouched for her when some of my team questioned whether she should be involved as tightly as she was.” He grimaced, digging his fingers into his leg. He finally looked up at me, his face the picture of sadness and self-loathing. “I didn’t mean to take it out on Skylar. She’s gorgeous, and I was scared you were going to fall into the same trap I had.”

“Sky is not Eliana, Jake,” I said with complete honesty. “Like Blizzard said, she’s been loyal to this club for years. She’s not hiding who she is or what she does, she’s not stringing me along,” I tried to reassure him.

He laughed under his breath. “Yeah, I know, I’m a fucking judgmental bastard. I’ll find her later and apologize. But first, I better find Leo and Blizzard and explain the situation before your other brothers decide to kick your actual brother to the curb.”

Standing up, I grabbed the crutch that he’d throw and handed it to him. “Next time, just fucking tell me what the hell is going on, rather than being a damn bastard,” I warned, hoping that there wouldn’t be a next time. “Now, I have some serious groveling to do.”

I held the patio door open while he hobbled inside. “She’s probably gonna be pissed, but if she means that much to you, don’t let her walk away,” he said, patting me on the shoulder.

I really wasn’t sure what I was doing, even as I walked down the hallway to her room. I knew she was angry, I’d seen the hurt, but I was gonna try and make it right and hope she heard me out.

Hope like fucking hell.

Because if she said no to what I was proposing, then I knew going back to where we were, would be almost impossible.