Emerald tapped her foot nervously in the backseat of Deacon’s police car as we made the short drive to the compound. “What is the club you speak of?” she whispered to me, looking around with wide eyes as we passed through the main street of Athens.

“Umm…” I screwed up my nose, trying to think of how I could explain the Brothers by Blood to my sister, who had possibly never even seen a motorcycle.

The Colony was situated in a small town just south of San Antonio, Texas. Members made up eighty percent of the population, and the few people there who weren’t part of the Colony, we were forbidden to even speak to or look at if they passed by.

The police were all Colony members, and the stores were owned by them too.

Some men had their wives spread across town in small homes, rotating himself between each. While my father had a large piece of land where he had a home, but the wives lived outside in six large trailers that were barely big enough for two people, let alone those of his wives who had four or five children each.

That was my father for you. The most selfish and self-centered man ever, making his wives live out in the cold while he had this huge home all to himself.

I shuddered, clearing my throat and trying to fight back the emotions which were raging inside me. It had been a long time since I’d thought about the Colony and my family. I tried to squash those horrible memories and fill my life with good ones. Now Emerald was back though, and I just knew that things were going to change.

“The club is hard to explain, Emerald, I don’t want you to freak out. These people, they’re my friends. They’re here to help us,” I told her, trying to ease her worries, but the second we pulled in the gates behind Chelsea, I knew that my words hadn’t done shit.

“No, take me back. I want to leave,” she said in a panic as Deacon pulled the car to a stop and she spotted Optimus and Blizzard standing outside the front door with their arms folded across their chests, glaring at Deacon’s patrol car.

In their club colors and their leathers, the two men—I had to admit—did look somewhat intimidating. They were tall and broad, scruffy looking with unshaven faces and short messy hair.

When a motorcycle roared into the compound behind us, Emerald squealed and clambered over the seat, clutching my arm, her eyes widening with fear.

“It’s okay,” I tried to soothe her. She was shaking like a leaf in an autumn breeze, as though she was about to be plucked off the tree and crash to the ground. “Listen, Emerald, they’re my friends.”

My words seemed to fall flat when Deacon climbed out of the car and Op came closer. “The fuck are you doing here?”

Emerald’s fingernails dug painfully into my skin, her breathing so rapid I thought she might pass out.

Deacon frowned. “Can you calm down, I got someone in the back with Sky, and you’re already freaking her the fuck out.”

Optimus smirked. “Remind me again why the fuck I care?”

“Optimus!” Chelsea scolded as she rushed over after parking her own car. “It’s Skylar’s little sister, and she’s a little new to all this, so will you stop being an asshole so we can get her out of the car and into your office.”

I couldn’t help but grin. The boys may rule the roost around here, but even with Op as president, Chelsea wasn’t afraid to stand and have her say when it was important—screw everything else.

Emerald gasped. “She… will he punish her for saying these things?”

I saw realization dawn on Op’s face. He was the only one in the club who knew exactly where I’d come from. I’d had to be completely transparent with him before he would let me come on board as a club girl, but since then he’d kept that information to himself.

Now everyone was about to know.

Op took two large steps back from the car, taking Chelsea’s hand in his.

“No, he won’t punish her. He loves her very much. He respects what she has to say,” I explained as I took her hands in mine. “Come, we will go inside so we can speak with Optimus.”

I pushed the door open and climbed out first, Emerald stumbling to get out after me and cling to me like a monkey at the same time. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close, but she kept her eyes trained on the ground.

Blizzard walked over with a confused facial expression. “Why’s that chick wearing a dress from Little House on the Prairie?”

Optimus rolled his eyes. “Come on, looks like we have some matters to discuss.”