I’d been beaten, burned, and humiliated. There were still times in my life where I avoided crowds or plugged my nose at the smell of things that reminded me of being back there.

What he had faced personally, I really had no idea, but I was sure that in no way were his reactions over the top or dramatic.

We all dealt with our problems differently. We all viewed situations from a diverse perspective. Something that might impact on me in a massive way might not even bother a man like him, and vice versa. We can’t judge how we feel, on the reaction of someone else to the same situation.

Eagle’s hands settled back on my thighs, and he inhaled deeply, laying his head back against the wall. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to dump my shit on you like this. Today has been stressful to say the fucking least.”

It had been a strange day.

Between Deacon calling about my sister’s freak out, Eagle hearing about his brother being hurt and leaping into a burning vehicle—yeah, I’d say today had been one for the history books. I was actually looking forward to meeting up with the club again tomorrow in Dallas, and hopefully, maybe even having some fun.

“You’re not dumping anything on me,” I told him. “Like I said, if I can take you away from all the mess and confusion in your head even for a little while, I’m happy to be of service. I guess it’s kind of my job really, help you guys rest and relax when you’re stressed.” The words tasted like acid the moment they touched my tongue, but I guess it was my way of figuring out for myself where we really stood again because the lines had suddenly become very blurred.

Twenty-four hours ago, Eagle was a man who barely said a word and really didn’t look happy about having to carry me on the back of his bike. He’d always been polite I guess, but standoffish, and in a way, untouchable.

And now here we were having a heart to heart, with him sharing more about himself than I think he ever intended. I wanted to be there for him, and in my gut, I would gladly give him everything I had to give if that was what he needed. The shitty part was, I could feel my heart reaching out for him too, and I had been telling myself for forever that I would never fall in love with a brother.

Eagle slowly lowered his head, so he was looking at me dead on.

I couldn’t read his expression, it was blank as if we hadn’t just been having some crazy emotional conversation and he hadn’t been hurting inside.

“Yeah, I guess I’m good now,” he replied quietly. He wasn’t good, but I’d pushed this shit in a different direction, and now I had to deal with the consequences. “Best we make a run to get some food before it gets too dark and then get some rest.”

I didn’t want to move, but I knew that was a hint for me to back up and give him some space. It was hard to tell whether he was angry or just indifferent to my comment.

Surely he couldn’t have actually been feeling any different?

Tossing the thought aside, I reluctantly climbed up from his lap and went in search of my clothes. His eyes watched me the entire time, and I fucking liked it.

Don’t fall for him.

Don’t fall…
