Tears streaked her cheeks, and my heart switched up a notch as I watched her flick off the safety. The way she was holding the gun was awkward, but it didn’t really matter. With her less than five feet away from him, it was all about point and fire, and there was no way she could miss.

“I will not be sold,” Emerald finally said, her normally sweet and placid voice, suddenly full of fire. “I will not be your wife. I will not let you do this to other girls. I will not let you hurt any more people. You are disgusting. I have heard stories about what you have done to women. I have been told the things that you have escaped prosecution for. No, this is your judgment day.”

We were all helpless as we watched her pull the trigger, the loud bang sending shock waves through all our bodies.

Brock’s body shook with the impact, his face one of horror and fear.

Wrench let go of Sugar and took two big steps forward, placing his hands over Emerald’s and holding her body still as she sobbed.

We were okay, though, I was a little sore, a little beaten, and I’m sure at some point the reality of the situation would hit me—the information that he shared yet to sink through into my brain. For now, though, I would take it.

“We need to get Levi downstairs, he’s still breathing, but there could be more damage,” Hadley said as she held her hand against the gunshot wound to his stomach.

“Doc is here waiting for anyone who needs help,” Blizzard said, standing at the door. “But we still have a fucking mess going on outside.”

Car tires squealed, and I sat up straight, the noise was quickly followed by a loud bang, and I instantly knew that sound. Cars crashing.

“Eagle!” I screamed.

I needed to help him.

I needed to get to him.

I didn’t wait for another second, grabbing one of the stray guns off the floor and making a run for it.

Jake was leaning against the wall outside the door, sweat dripping down his brow.

His crutches nowhere in sight. He must have pulled himself up the damn stairs in order to get to us without making any noise.

I stalled for a second, but he tipped his head to the staircase. “Go! Make sure my brother is okay.”

That kick-started my heart again and sent a new flow of adrenaline running through my veins. It was the only thing keeping me going. There was blood all over me, dripping down the side of my face from a cut that I just knew would need stitches. There was blood smeared all up and down my arms from tiny glass cuts.

I could hear the boys coming behind me, but I was faster, sprinting like a damn bat out of hell.

Please let him be okay.


I would pray if I had to.