I could see the point in where it clicked in Op’s eyes, and he was ready to fucking put a hole in Deacon’s ass. “Deacon used to work for the DEA, remember? He showed up here, trying to get into Chelsea, trying to get information on the club…” They were all getting it now. “Then he just jumps at the chance to take in Emerald, acting like he’s her knight in shining armor.”

I had a feeling my suspicions I’d raised about Deacon having an ulterior motive were on fucking point.

Op was already out of his seat and heading for the door before I was done talking. “Where are you going?” Blizzard called worriedly.

“Going to talk to my woman about how she’s gonna have one less friend in about twenty minutes,” Op threw back.

“There’s more!” Rivet yelled, and Op froze in the doorway, clenching the doorframe tightly in his hand. “First, tell me who this Deacon guy is.”

“When Sky’s sister Emerald showed up after doing a runner from the Colony, Deacon, our friendly local policeman offered to home her until Sky could find them a place they could afford and leave the club,” I explained quickly before Op lost his shit. “Deacon worked for the DEA before he moved here. He’s had our back on a few things, but I’m pretty sure he’s just pushed his canoe into shit creek and left the paddles on the shore.”

“No shit,” Rivet said, shaking his head. “Turns out they found the Colony has been running illegal arms, buying them in from overseas, putting them together in a workshop and selling them off to groups like the white supremacists and the street gangs. Basically inciting a race war.”

“And what does that mean for us?” Blizzard asked.

I knew by the way Rivet was looking at me that this shit was about to get crazy. “There were a fair amount of guns missing according to the records they recovered, and Abel and his buddies were gone too.”

“Fucking fantastic,” Leo groaned, laying his head back against the chair. “So basically you think we could have a whole lot of crazy coming at us attached to a seriously large amount of stupid.”

“Members said that Abel and his men left to seek revenge and purity for the Colony,” Rivet responded saying all he needed to say.

Skylar had pissed them the fuck off, embarrassed them, and proved that you can live a happy life on the outside of the Colony, but her brother was never going to let her get away with it.

She reached up and grabbed my hand. “My brother is the leader of what they call The King’s Militia,” she grimaced, and I instantly got this sinking feeling in my gut as all the eyes in the room turned to her. “They don’t mess around. They train, like the freaking armed forces and they have the numbers and the weapons.”

“Why the hell do these guys need a militia?” I asked, my eyes wide and my hand gripping tightly to the chair.

“They say it’s to fight the government if they ever came for us. But really, it’s to keep people in line, make them fearful of running away, punishing people for their sins.” Skylar shuddered. “They all think they are invincible, that they are following the Lord’s word or whatever and protecting our path to heaven.”

Optimus turned to us with darkness in his eyes. “If they come for my family, the only place they are gonna be heading is hell, and I’ll make sure it’s a damn painful ride.”