“I’m telling you that there’s only so much similar DNA that you can mix before children start ending up with significant birth defects, so you need to start bringing in new DNA so the gene pool can stay healthy.” I could tell that even she didn’t want to say it, none of us really wanted to acknowledge what she was telling us.

Rivet, on the other hand, wasn’t one to bullshit. “They’re stealing young girls that nobody cares about, like a fucking trafficking ring, but instead they’re using them purely to breed children so they can continue to grow and become stronger.”

“That’s what I was afraid she was trying to say,” I muttered. “So what you’re telling me is they ain’t just some bible bashers with a god complex.”

Rivet shook his head. “These guys are big time, Eagle. And you have two sisters whose father is their leader. One of whom has basically just kicked the Colony in the balls by telling them that she left to be a whore and that she loves it.”

“They are serious about what they’re trying to create,” Leo weighed in thoughtfully. “And they aren’t going to let someone like Sky get into their people’s heads by disrespecting their leader.”

In other words, we had what could possibly be a shit-storm coming our way.

The one good thing I knew was that once the brothers heard this story, they’d be only too happy to take out these bastards if they came at us. The men in the club, they didn’t fuck around when it came to respect for their women and any woman for that matter. These guys were using lost young girls with no one else to turn to as breeding stock.

What kind of sick and demented person did it take to even come up with that idea?

Ones that needed a bullet through their head.

And I was going to be only too happy to deliver it, first hand.