“Talk to her. Unfortunately, this is an obligation and not an option,” Sugar said with a slight warning in her voice to let me know that I shouldn’t try to get out of it. “If Op says the girls need to be there, then you need to be there.”

I nodded in understanding.

I knew my place within the club. From the outside, it might seem somewhat like the cult I escaped from, but inside, it was vastly different.

The men here ruled, but they were also men who had certain values and levels of respect. Being here was on my terms—I could walk away at any moment if that’s what I wanted to do and I’m sure most of the people inside this building would hug me tightly and wish me well. When push came to shove, I was never made to do anything that I didn’t want to do.

As club girls we were cared for and protected, it had been one of the huge draw cards for me when I met another of the club girls in one of my classes at the local college. At that point I was still scared and looking over my shoulder all the time, waiting for that moment when they would appear and drag me kicking and screaming back to the Colony.

I’d managed to secure enough money to pay for one semester of class, hoping I would find a job at some point to try and cover the rest. One meeting with the Brothers by Blood and I had my shit packed up that night and was moving into the clubhouse. I felt safe there, strange I know, but so true. They let me know that they would have my back and I could go to them for help.

I couldn’t pass it up.

And now with Emerald around, I had a feeling it would only be a matter of time before I needed to ask for that help, so walking away now was simply not an option.